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Teamlease And Relaxo Celebrate Graduation Of First Batch From Employability Enhancement Training Programme


New Delhi, June 13, 2024: TeamLease Foundation, the CSR arm of TeamLease Group, on Thursday announced the successful graduation of the first batch of 25 trainees from the employment-linked training programme in the retail sector. This initiative, funded by Shri Mool Chand Dua Memoria Society under the aegis of Relaxo Footwears Limited, aims to enhance employability among local youths and is currently being conducted in the Dwarka neighbourhood of Delhi, benefiting individuals from nearby areas.

The association between TeamLease Foundation and Relaxo began with training 50 individuals across two batches: 25 in retail and 25 in Customer Relationship Management (voice and non-voice). The primary objective of this collaboration is to provide comprehensive training and ensure substantial placement opportunities for the trainees, thereby making a long-term impact on household incomes.

Relaxo Footwears Limited identified a critical need to  ensure placements post-training to create lasting socioeconomic benefits. This partnership with TeamLease Foundation addresses that need by bridging the gap between training and employment.

Shantanu Rooj, Founder and CEO of TeamLease EdTech, said, "This graduation is not just a celebration of our trainees' hard work, but also a testament to the power of partnerships in driving social change. Relaxo Footwears Limited has been an exemplary partner, and their commitment has been instrumental in transforming lives through vocational training and employment opportunities. Together, we are making significant strides towards a more employable India."

Sushil Batra, Executive Director and CFO of Relaxo, said, "We are delighted to see the tangible outcomes of our collaboration with TeamLease Foundation. This program exemplifies our commitment to social responsibility and community empowerment. By providing structured training and ensuring job placements, we are enhancing employability and contributing to the economic upliftment of families in these communities."

The graduation ceremony was marked by an impressive placement of trainees, who are now stepping into new career opportunities, thanks to the dedicated support and infrastructure provided by Relaxo. The event also featured the recognition of Sushil Batra, Executive Director and CFO of Relaxo, with the prestigious TeamLease Emblem, acknowledging Relaxo's pivotal role in our mission to Making India Employable.

Gambhir Agrawal, CSR Head at Relaxo, also expressed his pride in the program's success. "At Relaxo, we believe in creating lasting impacts through our CSR initiatives. Supporting this training program aligns perfectly with our vision of empowering communities and enhancing employability. Seeing these young individuals step confidently into their new roles is incredibly rewarding, and we are honored to be a part of their journey," he said.

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