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Why you should partner with us?

At, we believe that your social and sustainability-related work is as important as your message going out in the industry and among other social sector stakeholders. Our platform aims to add value to your social mission by making your message reach to right set of audience. Here is why you can collaborate with us:

  • We are India's trusted platform for unbiased news coverage related to CSR, ESG and SDG issues, special reports and research collaborations towards fulfilling United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG).
  • Our collaborators include top CSR bodies, corporates and enterprises working on ESG themes, and organisations dedicated to SDG. Further, we also cover CSR implementation agencies which include thousands of NGOs, Non-profits, Trusts and Societies.
  • We are also followed by policy makers who have been vigilant towards not only the good practices in the domains of CSR and ESG, but also the loopholes if any in the eco-system.
  • We are also a thought leadership platform and followed by CSR enthusiasts, social workers and social activists.

What do we offer?

We have multiple modes of partnership, both for your short-term and long-term visibility and outreach needs. You can opt for partnerships that suits best to you!

Short-term partnership:

It is a one-time coverage of your CSR/Social event where we would highlight your work and message through Impact Editorial Coverage, Website Banner, Social Media properties and Newsletters. You can partner with us for the following short-term association:

  • Event Coverage/Promotion
  • Impact Coverage/Promotion
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Long-term partnership:

It is a four-month to year-long association where we will do multiple coverage of your ESG and CSR related projects and initiatives and highlight your work and message through Editorial Coverage, Website Banner, Social Media properties and Newsletters through the period of association. You can partner with us for the following long-term association:

  • CSR/Social Events Coverage/Promotion
  • Success Stories Coverage/Promotion
  • CSR Case Studies Coverage/Promotion
  • Visibility on Website via Advertisement/Featured articles
  • Leadership Talk Coverage/Promotion
  • Social Media Visibility via Our Platform
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How do we enter partnership?

4 simple steps to get going!
  • Fill this query form
  • Get a mail on partnership models
  • Talk to our team to finalise partnership mode
  • Onboarding & Partnership Plan kick-off
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