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FSSAI Emphasizes the Need to Control Chemical Contamination in Agricultural Raw Materials


New Delhi, September 15, 2024: After tightening the noose on various food chain outlets, food business operators (FBOs) and FMCG companies, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has now cautioned the agriculture industry to control chemical contamination in agricultural raw materials. It said that to advance the food industry, it's essential to control chemical contamination in agricultural raw materials.

Inoshi Sharma, FSSAI executive director said that enforcing Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) in fruits, crops, and spices is a big challenge. Furthermore, she emphasized the requirement of audits on regular basis and the need to reject non-compliant produce at farm gates. While the cautionary notification is for agriculture producers, it's also crucial that buyers are educated about the harmful impact of excessive pesticide use, which can lead to contamination in raw materials.

To address this matter, FSSAI will formulate a committee that will have representatives from different ministries and departments. The executive director also stressed the necessity of accurate labeling and avoiding misleading claims by Food Business Organizations (FBOs). We need to develop a culture of 'Self-Compliance' among FBOs and employ certified third parties to ensure adherence to standards, said the FSSAI executive director.

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