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FedEx Promotes Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Women Empowerment, LGBTQIA+ Small Business Owners in India


Mumbai, Nov 23, 2024: Federal Express Corporation is providing minority entrepreneurs with resources, training, and mentorship to foster economic independence under its United Way Mumbai Saksham initiative. 

Since 2021, the Saksham initiative has been providing curated business kits to small business owners across various sectors, including tailoring, food services, and beauty services, designed to meet local market demands. These kits enable beneficiaries to build sustainable businesses, and the May 2024 distribution alone produced impressive results as per UWM post-distribution assessment.  
The initiative has also driven transformative outcomes as per the NGOs post distribution assessment for the LGBTQIA+ community. 

Initially, 45% of LGBTQIA+ participants were unemployed. After enrolling in Saksham, 90% of them have secured employment or become self-employed. 
68% are now employed in private sector roles, earning between Rs 14,000-Rs 15,000 monthly, while 23% have established successful self-employment ventures in cultural performances, beauty services, and tailoring.  

“Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are a driving force for economic growth, yet many entrepreneurs lack the resources to succeed,” commented Suvendu Choudhury, Vice President, India Operations, FedEx. “The Saksham initiative helps bridge that gap for women and LGBTQI+ entrepreneurs, providing them with essential resources and clear pathways to self-sufficiency. We’re committed to helping them thrive within India’s SME ecosystem and to support India’s goals for inclusive, long-term economic development,” he said.

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