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FarmERP Champions Mental Health Awareness On International Women's Day


Mumbai, March 16, 2024:  Agri-tech organisation FarmERP has organised a special event to spark meaningful dialogue on mental health and prioritising the well-being of its female workforce.

Embracing the theme of mental health and wellness, the company on the occasion of International Women’s Day organised a special session featuring esteemed clinical psychologist Ketaki Joshi.

The event served as a nurturing platform for female employees to engage in candid discussions surrounding the mental health challenges often encountered in both professional and personal spheres. With her expertise in clinical psychology, Ketaki Joshi illuminated the importance of addressing stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues, offering invaluable insights and coping strategies to the attendees.

Speaking on this initiative, Sanjay Borkar, CEO and Co-founder of FarmERP, said, "At FarmERP, we recognize the distinct challenges that women may encounter in the workplace. By fostering an environment of open communication and support, we empower our women employees to prioritize their mental health and well-being, enabling them to thrive both in the workplace and beyond."

Depressive disorders disproportionately affect women, comprising 41.9% of the disability from neuropsychiatric disorders among women compared to 29.3% among men, as reported by the World Health Organization. Among the elderly, mental health challenges such as depression, organic brain syndromes, and dementias are prevalent, with a majority of sufferers being women. Additionally, in situations of violent conflicts, civil wars, disasters, and displacement, an estimated 80% of the affected population are women and children, highlighting their vulnerability. Shockingly, the lifetime prevalence rate of violence against women ranges from 16% to 50%, with at least one in five women experiencing rape or attempted rape in their lifetime, underscoring the urgent need for targeted intervention and support.

Mental health is an important facet of general well-being since it affects many aspects of life, including work productivity and job satisfaction. While mental health difficulties can affect people of either gender, research have repeatedly shown that female employees have lower mental health than their male counterparts.

In addition to mental health initiatives, FarmERP also provides ongoing support to women in the IT sector. The company's forthcoming campaigns will address safety and cervical cancer prevention.

According to experts, female employees have inferior mental health outcomes due to a complex interaction of variables such as social expectations, workplace discrimination, difficulty in establishing work-life balance and stigma associated with seeking help. Addressing these difficulties necessitates a multidimensional strategy that includes creating inclusive workplaces, promoting gender equality, establishing supporting policies and offering mental health services targeted to the specific needs of female employees.

FarmERP aims at the technology-intensive transformation of agriculture and agribusiness. The software is an intelligent and next-generation farm management platform in the Agri industry to sync and ready a wide range of entities and stakeholders for the future.

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