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Experts To Discuss Future Of Governance With ESG Focus At DMA's Global Summit Next Month


New Delhi, Aug 18, 2024: Thought leaders, industry experts, and global policymakers will convene on a single platform to discuss the future of governance, with a special focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) integration, at a global summit to be held here next month.

The Global Governance Summit 2024 being organised by Delhi Management Association (DMA), an organization dedicated to promoting excellence in management, in association with All India Management Association (AIMA) and the Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI) will take place on September 14 at the India Habitat Centre here.
The event will bring together thought leaders, industry experts, and global policymakers to discuss and shape the future of governance. The Summit will offer a comprehensive platform to address the most pressing issues in governance, with a special focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) integration. The event aims to spearhead discussions and actions toward good governance and forwarding the sustainable development goals, , the DMA said in a press release.

This year’s summit will place a special emphasis on the integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, Artificial Intelligence (AI), interrogating Section 135 of Companies Act, and institution specific governance into strategy, reflecting the growing importance of sustainability and responsible business and institutional practices in today’s global economy, the release said.  

The Summit is designed for C-suite executives, board members, investors, policymakers, social development and governance professionals who are committed to advancing the principles of responsible governance. Attendees will gain insights from leading experts, network with peers, and engage in meaningful discussions that will influence the future direction of governance.

The Summit will feature keynote addresses, panel discussions, and interactive sessions on corporate governance innovation, ESG integration into corporate strategy, building institutional strategy, and risk management.

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