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DEVI Sansthan Signs Multiple MoUs to Support FLN and NIPUN Bharat Objectives


Leadership Circle hosted by DEVI Sansthan

Lucknow, February 24, 2025: One Tara, an initiative by DEVI Sansthan, has signed multiple Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with educational institutes across four states to support the advancement of foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) and the NIPUN Bharat goals. The MoUs were signed with institutions including ABSSSS (Musabad, Lucknow), Vedanta Sanskarshala (Ludhiana, Punjab), Naya Savera (Gurugram, Haryana), and Golden Future Trust (Lucknow) during the two-day Leadership Circle 2 event at the World Unity Convention Centre in Lucknow. 

Mr Ashok Kumar Singh, Director School Education, Jammu shared, “Improvement of literacy in the country is of most importance especially with the involvement of the students. When the students start teaching their parents who are Illiterate as per FLN, this will enable us to reach complete literacy. We face issues in terrain, access to schools, even shortage of staff, if students involve themselves with self-teaching or self learning, they will be in a position to help the younger students as well. Target of NIPUN is achievable, with concentration on education which will help the people survive in the real world. Teachers are irreplaceable and they are the key to India reaching NIPUN goals within the time frame. He also invited the team of DEVI Sansthan to Jammu to train his master trainers in the ALfA: Accelerating Learning for All pedagogy, a new way of learning.”

The partnerships aim to enhance educational, healthcare, and livelihood opportunities for marginalized communities, with a particular focus on women and children. The agreements are designed to promote the exchange of best practices, resources, and scalable models for community development. 

Ms Sherin Ali shared, “CSR policies in India are stringent but if any company or NGOs are working within that framework, it is an easy process for a company to start their CSR initiatives. With the CSR policies of a particular company being available on website, it is easy for NGOs to reach out that particular company to be part of their CSR programs. SROI or Social Return on Investment is a key factor determining a project's timeline. This enables a company to set standards, extend timelines, and to implement other CSR projects which can be implemented successfully.”

The Leadership Circle event included discussions on topics such as policies to accelerate learning, FLN as an investment, and the role of CSR in education. Experts presented findings, shared best practices, and explored strategies to improve learning outcomes. One Tara aims to reach over 500,000 students in the next five years through these initiatives, furthering its mission of supporting educational institutes with evidence-based interventions and long-term social impact.

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