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BorgWarner Releases 2024 Sustainability Report


Auburn Hills (US), July 13, 2024: US-based automotive and e-mobility supplier BorgWarner has published its 2024 Sustainability Report, “Driving Progress”, in which it shared the company’s progress toward meeting its sustainability goals. 
“BorgWarner’s longstanding vision is a clean, energy efficient world, and I am proud to lead a company where our business goals go hand-in-hand with our sustainability goals,” said Frédéric Lissalde, President and CEO, BorgWarner. 
“I applaud our entire team for their dedication and excellence in innovating products for cleaner mobility, making leaps toward achieving our climate and other sustainability goals, and investing in our people,” Lissalde said.

As per the report, BorgWarner made notable progress against its goals, including earning 87% of revenue from EV and emissions-reducing hybrid and combustion products, positioning the company as a leader in clean mobility; reducing Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 32% from the 2021 baseline; making progress on its Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)-validated goal to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 85% by 2030; engaging supply chain management and engineering teams to advance the company’s goal of reducing Scope 3 emissions 25% by 2030 compared to a 2021 baseline; and installing or expanding solar power installations at nine facilities to help drive a 48% annual increase in renewable energy usage since 2022. 

The company also achieved a 92.7% waste diversion rate at tracked sites, surpassing its 85% goal. It filling 64% of leadership positions through internal placements, surpassing its 50% goal. The company invested USD 3.6 million in employee training and development to support a skilled workforce to meet business goals, the report said. 

According to the report, BorgWarner performed above all benchmarks on employees’ sense of inclusion and belonging on the company’s engagement survey. It also achieved an 81.6% completion rate with relevant suppliers for its sustainability assessment questionnaire, surpassing its goal.

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