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Bisleri Partners With Karnataka Govt For Mega Clean Up Drive In Kodagu District


Maldare (Karnataka), June 25, 2024: Bisleri International along with the Karnataka Forest Department conducted a large-scale forest clean up drive at Maldare in Kodagu district. The clean-up drive covered a stretch of 10 km from Maldare to Muttur wildlife forest area.

Chinnavishera, DRFO, Tiger   Reserve Forest from Karnataka Forest Department, says, “This partnership represents a crucial move to ensure environmental sustainability. We applaud Bisleri International’s cooperation and active involvement in recycling endeavours under the ‘Bottles for Change’ initiative. We will continue together to strive for a greener future for Karnataka.”

The team collected 810 kg of plastic waste and other non-biodegradable waste, installed signage boards to create awareness on proper disposal of used plastic waste and on impact of single use plastic and used plastic collection bank to promote recycling and stop littering.

Speaking about the association, K Ganesh, Director - Sustainability & Corporate Affairs, Bisleri International Pvt Ltd, says, “We are pleased to announce our collaboration with the Karnataka Forest Department to promote environmental stewardship through our 'Bottles for Change' initiative. This partnership highlights our shared commitment to catalyzing positive change and fostering a sustainable future for Karnataka.”

Samprabhav Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a positive and lasting impact on communities through sustainable development initiatives, focus on educating communities on effective waste segregation and recycling practices was an NGO partner for the initiative. The foundation is based in Abyathmangala, Kodagu.