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Admitad Distributes Over 1K Sanitary Pads And Digital Tablets To Underprivileged Women And Children


New Delhi, April 9, 2024: Admitad, a partner marketing network, has distributed more than one thousand sanitary pads and digital tablets to underprivileged women and children as a part of their CSR initiative for the financial year 2023-24.

Admitad partnered with Parivartan Sandesh Foundation, a charity organization working for the betterment and development of deprived and marginalized populations, especially children and women, to implement the project.  

The programme took place under the initiatives of Sakhi Swachata Abhiyan – an initiative to create women hygiene awareness and Shiksha Jaagrukta Abhiyan – an initiative to create importance of education to the underprivileged. The initiatives are set to impact 1,000-1,500 women and 800-1,000 children with a total spend of more than 10 lakh rupees. The programme also witnessed volunteers from Admitad’s office in Gurugram, Haryana.

Speaking on the occasion, Neha Kulwal, Managing Director of Mitgo, India and APAC, said, “At Admitad, our CSR efforts are deeply ingrained in our unwavering dedication to fostering inclusive growth and contributing to the nation’s development. We take pride in positively impacting thousands of lives through our efforts. By adopting a novel approach of ‘Ever evolving, constantly improving,’ we bridge the gap between our aspirations and available resources. Our commitment to advancing our CSR agenda remains firm as we strive to create a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable society. Through meticulous planning and efficient utilization of our financial and human resources, we aim to make an increasingly significant impact with each passing year.”

Admitad recognizes that access to menstrual hygiene products is essential for the well-being and dignity of women. By distributing sanitary pads, the company hopes to alleviate a significant barrier faced by underprivileged women. The initiative promotes awareness about menstrual health and encourages open conversations, breaking down taboos surrounding menstruation. The company also believes that education is a powerful tool for empowerment. Through the distribution of digital tablets, the company aims to bridge the digital divide among children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Parivartan Sandesh Foundation is focused on promoting various programs in India to ensure right to education, access to health services, empowering adolescents through vocational skills to have better livelihood chances & spreading awareness of social issues which successfully aligned with Admitad’s vision.

Admitad is a partner network that provides a suite of hi-tech solutions for advertisers and publishers of all sizes to help them grow their businesses globally with strategic partnerships. Admitad connects brands and retailers with more than 100 000 active publishers all over the world. Content websites, influencers, and creators, price comparison sites, subnetworks, deal and cashback services, email marketers, and media buyers can open new revenue streams with Admitad’s portfolio of top brands across 40+ categories.

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