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Fujifilm India unveils 'Connecting Hearts' campaign to strengthen the bond of Healthcare warriors and Covid-19 survivors


New Delhi, 2 September 2020, Delhi: Fujifilm India, a pioneer in imaging and healthcare technologies, has pledged to spread positivity and joy in these unforeseen times with its new campaign ‘Connecting Hearts’, a CSR initiative to help improve the disconnect between patients and doctors. To reduce anxiousness among patients and help them combat COVID with congeniality and affection, Fujifilm has introduced a unique patient-focused program by sharinginstax cameras and filmsat hospitals to spread smiles across doctors and nurses working on the frontline during these times.

The film titled ‘Connecting Hearts’ dives into how  the healthcare heroes treating COVID-19 patients are required to wear a significant amount of personal protective equipment (PPE) to safeguard themselves from the threat of the disease. The film conceptualized in association with m/SIX India, highlights how healthcare professionals working in odd conditions have been trying to find ways to connect better with patients in order to lessen the anxiety and stress induced by the disease.

With Fujifilm stepping up in providing instax cameras and films, this initiative lets the doctors use the simplicity and accessibility of instax instant photographyto help easily distinguish themselves on their PPE. With Instant cameras, doctors or nurses can now effortlessly take a photograph and quickly attach a credit card-sized instant photo print of themselves to their medical gowns.  

Commenting on this, Haruto Iwata, Managing Director, Fujifilm India said"This program is our subtle way of releasing stress in these unprecedented times. While photography may not be able to help in curing patients or protect healthcare staff, at Fujifilm, we believe it may actually cultivate a closer engagement between doctors and nurses and the patients they are treating. With this, we can share friendly faces of our health warriors from behind their PPE and remind them that there is a human on the other side of the gown, gloves, goggles and N95 mask."

Adding to this Tribhuwan Joshi, Lead Brand Communication, Public Relations & CSR said, "With our campaign ‘Connecting Hearts’ we wish to salute the healthcare professionals all over India fighting the battle to minimize the growing nervousness for COVID-19. With our initiative quickly revealing the happy and comforting face behind the PPE, healthcare staff and patients have noticed a sense of calmness, relaxation & empathy in the most challenging of circumstances that these patients are currently facing. With this we aim to take our motto, ‘Never Stop, believing in Smiles’ forward and spread a ray of positivity and hope among the people combatting each day with the unparalleled disease."

Speaking on the campaign, Saket Sinha, Senior Vice President and Head of m/SIX India said, "Our team along with Fujifilm did a stellar job in capturing the happy faces of the health workers just to put a smile on their faces when they needed it the most. Amongst us all, they are the ones who are fighting at the frontlines to save people’s lives. The m/SIX content plus team and Fujifilm with this small video, shed light on our warriors through this great initiative and proved that humanity can still be alive while facing a pandemic."

The instax products offered so far have been prioritized to healthcare teams working in intensive care units and care on the Coronavirus frontline. Till date, approximately 20 instax cameras and 400 instax prints have been shared with hospitals in Delhi and Bangalore, and there are plans on extending this number further.

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