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JK Tyre spends Rs 5 Cr on CSR activities; Focuses on livelihood, health and sanitation


New Delhi, 3 December 2020: A manufacturer of wide range of automobile tires, tubes and flaps, JK Tyre prioritised health and sanitation while spending around Rs five crore- its prescribed CSR budget for 2019-20.

The Company’s average net profit for last three year stood at Rs 246 crore and it was supposed to spend Rs 4.93 crore on its CSR activities in the year ending March 2020.

In the year 2018-19, the company’s prescribed CSR budget was Rs 7.19 crores and it spent Rs 6.73 crore on CSR activities. The Company has unspent amount of Rs 46.06 lakh.

While successfully spending its prescribed CSR budget in 2019-20, the Company focused on areas of livelihood enhancement, sanitation & healthcare, education, water conservation, rural development, renewable energy etc.

The Company’s CSR activities are implemented directly by in-house team or grassroots NGOs depending on the nature of activity and competence, it says.

It says, "Presently, the activities like adult literacy, reproductive and child health care projects are implemented directly, while for the implementation of projects on water conservation, livelihood and skill development, the company partners with competent NGOs."

It says that its CSR agenda addresses requirements of Section 135 and Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 as well as most UN Sustainable Development Goals. In line with an enunciated CSR Policy, initiatives are implemented under the guidance of a Board-level CSR Committee and senior management.

Its CSR Committee comprises of Raghupati Singhania who is chairman of the committee. Other members include Arun K. Bajoria and Arvind Singh Mewar.

JK Tyre’s top five CSR programmes in 2019-20

S. No.CSR Project or activity identifiedSector in which the project is coveredAmount spent

(in Rs crore)

Implementing agency
1Providing better health services through support to HospitalPromoting healthcare2.00PSRI Hospital
2Livelihood enhancement and water conservation projectPromoting Livelihood1.31CII Foundation, Seva Mandir, JK Trust, BIRD-K, MYKAPS & Hand in Hand
3Health camps & reproductive & child health care programPromoting healthcare0.45Direct, Sevamob&Mamta Health Institute for Mother & Child
4Prevention of HIV AIDSPromoting healthcare0.24Vatsalya Society &Rajsamand Network of PLHIV
5Green cover & environment conservationEnvironmental sustainability0.22Direct

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