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Hindalco exceeds prescribed CSR budget in FY 2019-20, spends Rs 38.53 Crore


New Delhi, 12 October 2020: Hindalco, an Indian aluminium and copper manufacturing company and a part of Aditya Birla Group, has spent Rs 38.53 Crore on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities for the financial year 2019-20. The company’s focus areas for CSR were education, healthcare, women empowerment, sustainable livelihood and infrastructure development.

The company’s average net profit over the past three financial years stood at Rs1,876.54 Crore. Accordingly, the prescribed CSR budget (2% of the average annual profit) for the company was Rs 37.53 Crores. However, the company went a step forward and spent Rs 38.53 Crore in the financial year 2019-20. The actual spend was 2.05 % of average net profits of the company for the last three financial years.

The company had spent Rs 34 Crore towards its CSR activities in the 2018-19.

The CSR Committee of the company is headed by Chairman Rajashree Birla who is also the Chairperson of the Aditya Birla Centre for Community Initiatives and Rural Development (ABCCIR). Other members of the CSR committee include Satish Pai, Askaran Agarwala, D Bhattacharya, YP Dandiwala and Dr Pragnya Ram who is also the Group Executive President, CSR, Legacy Documentation & Archives.

Details of the CSR expenditure in FY 2019-20

Sector in which project is coveredAmount outlay (in Rs Crore)Amount spent (in Rs Crore)
Environment and Sustainable Livelihood5.565.22
Rural Development Projects5.616.33
Social Empowerment0.782.61
Promotion of Heritage/Art and Culture/ Sports1.070.47

The company’s key projects in the mentioned areas are:


  • Preschool education: Balwadies/play schools/crèches, strengthening Anganwadis
  • School Education Program: Enrolment awareness programmes/ events, formal schools, education material (study materials, uniform, books etc.), scholarship (merit and need based assistance) school competitions/ best teacher award, cultural events quality of education (support teachers, improve education methods), specialised coaching, exposure visits/awareness formal schools inside campus (company schools) support to midday meal project
  • Education support programs: Knowledge centre/library, adult/non formal education, celebration of national days, computer education, reducing drop out and continuing education, Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya, career counselling
  • Vocational and Technical Education: Strengthening ITI’s, skill based individual training Programmes
  • School Infrastructure: New school building construction, renovation and maintenance of school buildings, school sanitation & drinking water, school furniture & fixtures


  • Preventive Health Care: Immunisation, pulse polio programme, health check-up camps, mobile dispensary, malaria/diarrhoea control programme, school health check-ups, yoga and fitness classes
  • Curative Health Care program: Hospitals/ dispensaries/ clinics, general health check-up camps, specialised health camps, eye camps, surgical camps, tuberculosis
  • Quality / Support Program: Referral services, treatment of BPL, old age and needy patients, HIV-AIDS awareness, RTI/STD awareness, support to differently abled, ambulance services, blood donations/grouping
  • Reproductive and Child Health: Mother and child care, adolescent health care, infant and child health, support to family planning programmes, nutritional programmes for mother and child
  • Health Infrastructure: Renovation of health centres, village / community sanitations, individual toilets, repair and installation of new drinking water sources, water purifications

Environment and Sustainable Livelihood

  • Agriculture and Farm Based: Agriculture and horticulture trainings, transfer of technology, support to demonstration plots, agricultural implements and inputs, exposure visits, integrated agriculture / horticulture programmes, soil health and organic farming
  • Animal Husbandry: Animal vaccination and treatment, breed improvement, milk productivity improvement programmes and trainings
  • Non-farm & Skills Based Income Generation Program: Capacity building programmes, rural enterprise development and income generation programme(igp) support, support to shgs for igp
  • Natural Resource conservation programs & Non-conventional Energy: Biogas support programme, solar energy support, other energy efficient supports, plantations, soil conservation, land development, water conservation and harvesting structures, development of common pasture land
  • Livelihood Infrastructure: Construction of check dams, lift irrigation

Rural Development Projects

Rural Infrastructure development: Construction and repair of community infrastructures

Social Empowerment

  • Institutional building & strengthening: Strengthening and formation of community-based organisations/ SHGs
  • Support to development organizations: Support to old age homes, orphanages, etc.
  • Social Security: Support to old age, widow, physically challenged persons/ poor
  • Awareness Programmes: Community Awareness programmes/ Campaign against social abuse, early marriages, HIV prevention, etc.
  • Social Events to minimise causes of poverty: Support to mass marriages, widow remarriages, National days celebrations, Support with basic amenities
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