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Everest Industries spends around Rs 1.18 Crore on CSR activities in FY 2019-20


New Delhi, 28 August 2020: The new age building solutions provider Everest Industries spent Rs 1.176 crore on CSR activities in the financial year 2019-20. Under its CSR activities, the company majorly focused on capacity building, skill development &  training, education, preventive healthcare and environmental sustainability.

The company’s prescribed CSR budget for the year was approximately Rs 1.188 crore. Average Net Profit of the company for last three financial years stood at Rs 59.38 crore. The prescribed CSR budget for a company is calculated as 2% of the average annual profit over the last three financial years.

In its annual report, the company said, "Nationwide lockdown announced by the Government of India from March 25, 2020 necessitated immediate suspension of all the CSR Projects and consequently, the company could not spend remaining amount of Rs 1.16 lakh."

The company is undertaking the CSR activities through its trust, Everest Foundation with Padmini Somani as its Chairperson. Everest through its CSR arm is also signatory of United Global Compact and all its social initiatives are aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Major programmes on which the company spent its CSR budget

Training & Skill Building: Computer education and training centres were run to benefit youths and children, the cumulative spent was Rs 85.88 lakh.

Health & Sanitation: A Tobacco Control Programme was implemented to make Nashik district tobacco-free. Under this, a total of 16,977 people were touched and educated on ill effects of tobacco and ways to bringing change in habits. A sanitation project was also undertaken in Raigadh district of Maharashtra. The cumulative spent on both programme was Rs 14.86 lakh.

Sports Promotions: A total of Rs 11.26 lakh were spent for the sports promotion which includes training youths and organising Football and Badminton tournaments. 

Environment and Community Building: Everest Industries contributed during the Fani cyclone in Odisha and extended help to the flood affected community by providing meals to them. A total of 6000 meals were provided to 2,200 villagers. To make the community self-dependant to repair their houses, Everest conducted Building Master Training program in Bolanga, Dewli Sahi villages in Puri district.

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