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Dabur spends Rs 29 Cr on CSR in FY21; spends Rs 15 crore in fight against Covid-19


New Delhi, 14 December 2021: Dabur Limited, an Indian multinational consumer goods company, has spent a sum of Rs 28.71 crore on various Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities in the financial year 2020-21. Its CSR interventions were spread across as many as 149 villages in India.

The average net profit of the company for the past three years, as per section 135(5) was Rs 1,425.91 crore and its two percent was calculated at Rs 28.52 crore, which was its CSR obligation for the year. The company however, spent Rs 28.71 crore on its CSR, out of which Rs 1.43 crore was spent on administrative overheads. Therefore, the excessive amount spent for the financial year was Rs 0.19 crores. The company had spent Rs 27.85 crore on its CSR during the financial year 2019-20.

The annual report of the company stated, “Dabur understands that its Corporate Social Responsibility should be exercised in every aspect, especially in communities where it operates and with a focus on the health and safety of the community members. At Dabur, we have a well-structured CSR Policy, which is also a declaration of our intent to contribute to creating a better and self-reliant society.”

CSR amount spent against other than ongoing projects for the financial year

Project name


Amount spent (in Rs Crore)


Donation to PM CARES Fund

New Delhi



COVID-19 support for migrant workers, marginalized communities and frontline corona warriors like police personnel, medical staff, cleaning staff, etc.

Across India



Programmes to meet nutrition needs of poor & needy

Across India



Programmes to protect endangered species of herbs & plants, enhancing livelihood of farmers

Across India



Plastic Waste Recycling and Disposal

Across India










“Our ultimate goal is to create a positive, measurable and lasting local impact in the communities where we operate through projects that contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” the company stated in its report. The CSR policy of the company had identified four key areas for rolling out development programmes:

Dabur’s key CSR areas identified for rolling out development programmes

  • Eradicating hunger, poverty, and malnutrition
  • Promoting preventive health care
  • Ensuring environmental sustainability
  • Promotion of education

With the sudden spread of the COVID outbreak towards the end of the previous fiscal, Dabur added a new focus area- COVID Relief Support. With the entire country under lockdown in the initial part of the 2020-21 financial year and most educational, commercial and social activities restricted in view of the social distancing norms that were put in place by respective state governments, the company focused its development initiatives towards lending a hand to the Government’s efforts to endure the social and economic impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic as well as protecting vulnerable populations by enabling access to food and essential medicines. The bulk of its CSR spends during 2020-21 were used for Covid support programmes, which included donating to the PM CARES Fund.

Four areas identified for rolling out development programmes:

  • Women empowerment
  • Rural development
  • Promotion of sports

Dabur’s CSR committee

The CSR committee of Dabur Limited has Dr. Ajay Dua as its Chairman. Other key members are P.N. Vijay, Sanjay Kumar Bhattacharyya, P.D. Narang, Mohit Malhotra, and Ajit Mohan Sharan. During the financial year 2020-21 the Committee met five times.

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