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CSR 2019-20: Pharma biggie GSK spends Rs 11 crore on CSR projects; Focuses on health activities


New Delhi, 1 August 2020: Leading pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has spent a total of Rs 11.54 Cr on its CSR activities in the financial year 2019-20. Last year the company had spent a total of Rs 10.85 Cr on various CSR activities.

As per the company officials, the CSR activities in the year 2019-20 remained focused on the programmes related to health care and nutrition among women and children.

The prescribed CSR budget for the company, according to its financial details, stood at Rs 11.44 Cr. Thus, the actual spent on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities exceeded the prescribed budget for the year 2019-20 at GSK.

The CSR spent by GSKwas more than the 2% of the average of net profits for preceding three financial years., the company said, citing the adherence to the Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013.Our CSR focus was on promoting health care, including preventive health care and education, the company stated in its annual report.

GSK’s total profit in the year 2019-20 stood at around Rs 110 Cr. The average profit over the previous three years stood at Rs 572 Cr.

During the period, the company’s CSR programmes touched the lives of over 10 lakh people across India, with its lead CSR project being ‘Partnering India for Eliminating Lymphatic Filariasis’.

Accordingly, the major part of the CSR fund at the company was utilised in health-related projects that was implemented by partner agencies. "About 91 % of the fund was spent on health projects. The remaining amount was spent on education and employability programmes, as per the CSR committee at GSK.

The key CSR projects at the company was aligned with national health priorities and towards elimination of lymphatic filariasis, Swachh Bharat, Swachh Vidyalaya (school sanitation). A minor part of the CSR fund was also devoted to supporting ‘Skill India’.

GSK CSR 2019-20- Key Highlights

  • The company donated around 3.2 crore albendazole tablets to World Health Organization (WHO) to support mass drug administration across the country to interrupt the transmission of lymphatic filariasis
  • Over 1600 ASHA workers trained in 876 Villages across 10 Blocks of Kanpur district in morbidity management and disability prevention for lymphatic filariasis
  • Integrated approach to child nutrition deployed across 3,000 households, spanning adolescent health, pre- and post-natal care, nutritional status checks and addressing violence among women and children
  • WASH facilities were created in 7 schools and child cabinets were established in 20 schools. Members of this cabinet were given different responsibilities pertaining to the personal and community hygiene

The CSR team at GSK is headed by AN Roy who is the Chairman of the Committee.

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