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CSR 2019-20: Havells India spends Rs 20 crore; meets its CSR obligation


New Delhi, 30 July 2020: Havells India has spent Rs 20.29 Crore on different CSR activities in the year 2019-20, thus completely meeting its CSR obligation for the year. Last year, the CSR spent by the company was Rs 17.44 Crore.

As per section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013, the prescribed CSR expenditure for the Financial Year 2019-20 stood at a total of Rs 20.29 crore only.

The average net profit of the Company for last 3 (Three) Financial Yearspreceding the reporting financial year (i.e. 2018-19, 2017-18 and 2016-17) calculated in accordance with Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 stood at Rs. 1,014.52 crores, the company said.

The CSR funds spent by Havells were primary allocated to QRG foundation, a society registered under section 12Aof the Income Tax Act, 1961 for undertaking Mid-Day meal scheme and partnering with Ashoka University and BML Munjal Foundation,engaged in education sector.

The company spent the entire prescribed amount on its key CSR activities related to health, rural development and other related projects. The key CSR areas which companies worked upon included the following:

  • Havells Mid-Day meal program for government school students
  • Sanitation Initiative –Construction of bio-toilets in govt schools, Financial support for upkeep of bio-toilets and distribution of re-usable, sanitary napkins in government schools
  • Education and School Infrastructure
  • Partnered with BML Munjal Foundation to provide financial assistanceto needy students as well as creating infrastructure, partnered with Ashoka University to provide scholarship to the needystudents for their higher education, provided table and benches to government school from recycledwaste wood
  • Green Society- Large scale tree plantation initiative in MadhyaPradesh and Rajasthan

Havells India CSR Spent over the years–2015-20

Havells CSR –Key work areas

In accordance with the primary CSR philosophy of the group and the specified activities under Schedule VII to theCompanies Act, 2013, the CSR activities of the Company cover certain thrust areas such as mid-day meals, sanitationfacilities, preservation of heritage monuments, afforestation etc.

Havells India CSR highlights - 2019-20

Mid-day Meal

Under the mid-day mealprogramme, over60,000 students were served daily across693 schools in Alwar district,Rajasthan. The impact of themid-day meal initiative hascreated a stark rise in schoolenrolments, reduction indropout rates, better BMIamongst children, increasein attendance and betteracademic performance ofbeneficiaries.


The company built around4,000 bio toilets across500 government schools inAlwar. Along with providinginfrastructure for the toilets. It also ran WaSHawareness campaign to enhance sanitisation practices andprovide aid for maintenanceof the infrastructure.

Sanitary Napkins

The company distributed over 79,600reusable sanitary napkinsto girls. More than 56,000 napkins were distributed in FY 2019-20 in Alwarand Haridwar district. Theimpact of the initiativeled to increased girlparticipation and addressissues of inequality andexclusion.


The company partnered withBML Munjal Foundation toprovide financial assistanceto needy students in theform of scholarship as wellas creating infrastructure forthe benefit of such students. It also partnered withAshoka University to providescholarship to the needystudents for their highereducation.


Havells India helped plantaround 6.5 lakh trees ofwhich 3 lakh trees wereplanted in Bhopal, MadhyaPradesh and 50 thousandin Neemrana, Rajasthan inFY 2019-20.

Havells India’s CSR committee is headed by Vellayan Subbiah who is the Chairman of the Committee.

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