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CSR 2019-20: DCM Shriram spends Rs 18 crore on multiple CSR programmes


DCM Shriram has spent a total of Rs 18.45 crore on different Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes in the financial year 2019-20. The diversified group with interest intosugar, fertilisers, seeds and chlorovinyl businesses, among others, has outsmarted its prescribed CSR budget as per the Companies Act 2013.

According to the company officials, the company spent Rs 18.45 Cr in the financial year 2019-20 as part of its CSRinitiatives against a prescribed budget of Rs 18.41 crore.

As per the annual reports of the company, its average net profit for the preceding three years block of 2016 - 17 to 2018 - 19 was Rs 920.5 crores. Thus, the prescribed expenditure on CSR for the year 2019 - 20 stood at Rs 18.41 crore.

According to the company’s annual report, the total Spending on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) aspercentage of profit after tax stood at 2.61% of average Net profits ofthe Company made during the three immediately precedingfinancial years.

The company implemented its CSR programs through a mix of resources from inhouseteams & partner NGOs.

DCM Shriram has been consistently focussing oninclusive and collaborative growth with an aim toimprove the quality of life, especially in areas near the Company’splants. The Company also has an agriculture extension processcovering over 560 villages across 11 States with the objective ofeducating rural households on modern farming practices.

The Company’s CSR initiative inthese villages also provides support to the education of girl childrenand scholarships to merit students.

The company’s CSR initiative aimed towards improving the Sanitation and HygienePractices in government schools include construction/renovation of toilets, operation & maintenance of the developed infrastructure. It also endeavours to create awareness around cleanlinessand hygiene through Behaviour Change Programs.

DCM Shriram CSR Programmes - An Overview

As per the company’s CSR policies, the CSR programmes were mainly built around - Preventive Health & Sanitation; Education, Vocational Skills & Livelihood; Environment Sustainability; and Rural Development.

A few CSR initiatives undertaken by the Company are below:

Preventive Health & Sanitation - ‘KhushaliSehat’

‘KhushaliSehat’ is company’s flagship programme aimed at supportinggovernment programs on Vaccination, institutional delivery and nutrition in44 villages around Sugar Units. The project this year has benefitedaround 35K families including about 700 pregnant women, 2,400 infants and3,500 adolescent girls. Further, around 23,000 patients were helped from its monthly health camps.

Eye Care camps were also organised in association with reputedhospitals and govt bodies at Sitapur, U.P. & Bharuch, Gujarat. Thecamps helped in facilitating cataract operations for 1655elderly cataract patients belonging to economically weakersections.

Sanitation - Shriram Swachhagraha

The company is actively implementing an ambitious SchoolSanitation program named Shriram Swachhagraha.Major thrust of the program is at Kota, Rajasthan where it aims to

renovate school toilets across the district and usher behaviorchange around sanitation.

Implementation of the project was completed in the year 2019-20 in 159 Schools of Itawa&Sangod Block,benefiting nearly 40,000 school children. The program also works toensure that the Schools own and sustain the infrastructure byadopting processes on Operations & Maintenance. We are alsoworking around Sanitation Behavior Change in these schools.

The program is also being implemented in other businesslocations. At Bharuch, 94 households were supported with IHHtoilets. The company also supported Wastemanagement processin a few villages. At Hardoi& Lakhimpur, 36 School toilets havebeen renovated and Sanitation Behaviour change program is beingimplemented in 40 villages.

Education, Vocational skills, Livelihood - Khushali Shiksha

The Company instituted Scholarship programs in differentstreams to encourage students, mostly from rural areas, to pursuehigher education. More than 450 students have benefited from theprogram.

In association with Pratham Education Foundation, it has initiatedKhushali Shiksha, a project to improve learning outcomes in 62primary schools of Uttar Pradesh. Over 4900 students in theseschools are benefiting from this initiative. Another 4600 children arealso benefiting from 1250 learning groups functioning in the villagecommunity.

The company also supports women on Skill Developmentpertaining to stitching. More than 200 women have availed benefits of the program this year.

Another initiative - JeetegaKisaanhelps farmers in improving their incomes byincreasing their farm productivity and market linkages. It is beingimplemented in 18 villages in Kota district of Rajasthan.

Environment Sustainability

Under its Water Conservation initiative, the company has rejuvenated 56 ponds in Hardoi and Lakhimpur district. Also, in Bharuch the company hasrejuvenated 2 ponds and created 15 rainwater harvestingstructures on farmer’s fields.Massive tree plantation drives were also carried out at all businesslocations.

Rural Development

The Company is implementing a unique Model Village program thatmarries sectoral development programs with focussedinfrastructure development activities in select villages. Thisincludes Safe drinking water facilities, upgradation of anganwadi,Schools, Primary Health Centers, Panchayat Bhawans etc.

These activities are undertaken in close association & participationof the local community & Gram Panchayats.

The CSR committee of the DCM Shriram is headed by Mr. Ajay S. Shriram who is also the Chairman & Senior Managing Director of the company.

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