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CSR 2019-20: Apollo Tyres spends Rs 18 crore on CSR projects, major focus on healthcare


New Delhi, 7 August 2020: Leading tyre maker of India, Apollo Tyres Ltd has spent a total of Rs 18.37 Cr on its CSR activities in the financial year 2019-20. A total of 5,81,585 people were benefited from its CSR activities, claimed the company .

As per the company’s annual report, average net profit of the company for the last three financial years is Rs 918.59 Cr. Thus, its prescribed expenditure which is two per cent of the amount stands at Rs 18.37 Cr, which it has managed to spend on several activities.

The report says that Apollo Tyres constituted a CSR policy in 2014 in line with the Companies Act, 2013 and complies with the requirements of section 135 of the Act. The CSR initiatives are delivered through Apollo Tyres Foundation (ATF) registered in 2008.

Under the CSR activities, the company has focused on health, solid waste management and livelihood for women and many others. The percentage breakup of the CSR spent is presented in pie chart as per the core areas of the CSR strategy of the organization.

The major tyre maker of the country claims that all the CSR initiatives of the organisation are aligned with national goals and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The company has categorised its CSR initiatives into two themes — Environment and Social (which includes health and community development). Within the themes, there are four core areas of work:

Healthcare programme for trucking community

Preventive healthcare initiative for the truck driver community is the Company’s pioneering programme, it says. Under this initiative, the company operates 32 healthcare centres in the transhipment hubs spanning 19 Indian states. The programme provides healthcare services such as prevention and awareness of HIV-AIDS, vision care, integration of tuberculosis and other non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and general treatment facility.

Solid waste management and sanitation

Aligning with national development agenda and contributing to the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’, the Company has been running various projects on solid waste management and safe sanitation with the objective of promoting a healthy and sustainable lifestyle amongst the local communities. ‘Clean My Transport Nagar’, ‘Clean My Village’, ‘Sanitation Management’ and ‘End of Life Tyre Playgrounds’ are four initiatives started under this theme.

Livelihood for underprivileged women

The Company has initiated a programme, Navya, to support the livelihood needs of under-privileged rural women by providing them income generation opportunities at their door step.

Biodiversity conservation

Biodiversity conservation is a global theme for Apollo Tyres, wherein it has undertaken conservation projects in Hungary and the Netherlands. In India, mangrove conservation is a key initiative and such a project is being implemented in Kannur, Kerala. As a measure of mitigating climate change, an afforestation project is being implemented in Tamil Nadu, India within the theme. In addition to the core themes, the Company has been conducting other local initiatives such as watershed management, renewable energy proliferation, it claims.

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