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Vedanta launches e-learning through its flagship project Nand Ghar


New Delhi, June 22, 2020: Vedanta Limited has rolled out e- learning modules for home-schooling through WhatsApp groups across villages of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Odisha under its flagship project "Nand Ghar".

The e-learning modules consists of stories, games, rhymes, home based activities, moral science lessons and more for children below six years of age. ICDS, Government of Rajasthan issued an order to roll out Nand Ghar e-content along with UNICEF e-content for children of all 60,000+ Anganwadi centres reaching out to more than 12 lakh  children in the state.

The core services provided at Nand Ghars are pre-school education to children (3-6 years) through e-learning, BaLA designs and smart kits, nutrition through pre-packed hot cooked meals to children, pregnant and lactating women, healthcare through Mobile Health Van and support to Community Health Centre, women empowerment through skill, credit linkage and entrepreneurship development.

Mr. Anil Agarwal, Chairman - Vedanta Resources, said that the initiative is a step to bridge the gap and make sure that digital self-learning becomes an unlimited resource to all. "The spread of Covid-19 pandemic leading to closure of schools and colleges has affected billions of children and youth worldwide. The higher income families have access to technology and internet, however it is the lower income families that are bearing the brunt of the unprecedented pandemic. With the Anganwadi centres closed at this point, the need for uninterrupted education of children remains our priority. Thus, with an objective that no child is bereft of education, Nand Ghar has launched its e-learning modules through mobile phones reaching all Nand Ghar villages," Agarwal said.

Dr. K. K. Pathak, Secretary, Women and Child Development Department, Govt. of Rajasthan, hailed the inititative by Vedanta. "Amidst the pandemic, with curtailed classroom education, e-learning has come to the forefront across the world. I’m delighted that WCD, ICDS Rajasthan has been successfully imparting education across 60,000+ anganwadis through e-learning. This has been possible with the joint efforts of Vedanta and UNICEF who have provided the much needed support. From creation of e-learning content to on ground delivery, Vedanta’s contribution in this initiative is highly appreciable," Pathak said.

The initiative is aimed to open a window of possibility, where-in Education is being made available and accessible to every child of around thousands of villages in India.

Vedanta project Nand Ghar has already constructed more than 1300 Nand Ghars across 7 states in India. The Nand Ghars are equipped with televisions for e-learning, solar panels for reliable power, safe drinking water, clean toilets and have emerged as an ideal model for replication in other parts of the country. The project aims to transform lives of 8.5 crore children through 14 lakh anganwadis across the country

Vedanta Limited, a subsidiary of Vedanta Resources Limited, is one of the world’s leading Oil & Gas and Metals company with significant operations in Oil & Gas, Zinc, Lead, Silver, Copper, Iron Ore, Steel, and Aluminium & Power across India, South Africa, Namibia, and Australia. The company is among the top private sector contributors to the exchequer with the highest ever contribution of INR 42,560 Crore in FY 2019.

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