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Talisker Single Malt Scotch Whisky joins hands with Parley for The Oceans to protect the health of underwater forests


New Delhi, October 28, 2020: In a collaborative environmental mission, Talisker Whisky and Parley for the Oceans, a collaboration network and environmental organisation, announced a new three-year partnership to restore and protect the health of underwater forests on coastlines on Tuesday.

Talisker and Parley are launching ‘Rewild Our Seas’, a global initiative that will support the preservation and protection of 100 million square meters of marine ecosystems around the world by 2023.

The oceans cover 70% of the earth’s surface, house more than 99% of the biosphere and play a vital role in sustaining the health of all life - on land and in the seas. Despite our dependence on the oceans, human impacts have damaged almost every swath of this vast ecosystem. As of a 2018 study, only 13% of the world’s oceans are classified as truly wild, or unaltered by intense human activity.

The partnership supports Parley’s mission to raise awareness for the beauty and fragility of the oceans and will work to restore, preserve and protect them for future generations.

With an initial focus on projects protecting kelp forests along the coasts of Scotland, the home of Talisker, the partners will collaborate worldwide with NGO’s working alongside local communities for the preservation of protected areas, reserves and sanctuaries.

Kelp plays a critical role in ocean health by regulating pH, sequestering carbon dioxide, harboring microorganisms, and providing habitat and nourishment for marine life and keystone species.  The seas surrounding Scotland are home to dense underwater forests that buffer the coasts from storms, support biodiversity and define the country’s natural heritage.

The partnership will also include:

  • Forming alliances with local non-profit organizations around the world and providing grants to further support existing efforts in ocean research and protection, including at the home of Talisker Whisky in Scotland
  • Conducting innovative research through expeditions around the world to better understand marine ecosystems and solutions to protect them from threats such as climate change
  • Introducing commercial initiatives, including retail promotions, designed to help generate additional funding and support for projects around the world.

Talisker and Parley will also launch a public fundraising campaign to celebrate the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge - a 3000-mile rowing race across the Atlantic. As part of the effort, Parley and Talisker will invite adventurers everywhere to join in and take on personal challenges linked to the ocean with the goal of raising funds for Parley initiatives.

This is the first time Talisker has partnered with an environmental organization on a global scale. It builds on the wider initiatives already undertaken by Talisker to improve their environmental performance as part of Diageo’s wider sustainability program which include halving its carbon emissions and improving water efficiency.

Pedro Mendonca, Diageo Global Reserve Director said,  "Our connection with the ocean goes back hundreds of years and started when our founders, the MacAskill brothers, stepped onto the shores of Skye to set up our Talisker distillery. Every single day, our whisky is influenced by the spirit and energy of the vast ocean that surrounds us."

Cyril Gutsch, Founder & CEO, Parley for the Oceans said,"Witnessing the rapid decline of marine wildlife and the destabilization of the environment that provides the chemistry which allows us humans to exist, leads to a simple conclusion."

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