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SMFG India Credit To Support Around 20K Children Through Its Food Grains Distribution Initiative 


New Delhi, Oct 29, 2024:  Non-banking financial company SMFG India Credit (SMICC) has initiated an initiative under which its employees can donate rice, wheat and pulses which will help feed children and elderly in old age homes for a month. Donations received during the 'Ek Muthi Chawal' initiative go directly to a partner NGO and are utilised to benefit children and elderly people.  

The company has set an ambitious target for the 5th edition of Ek Muthi Chawal with the aim to donate 60,000 kg of rice, grains & pulses by over 12,000+ employees across 21 states. The contribution is expected to benefit around 20,000 children providing them essential nutrition for a month. 

Over the past four editions, the company has managed to widen the reach of the initiative with consistent growth in participation from the employees and impact year after year. Collectively over the past 4 editions, we have provided essential nutrition to over 50,000+ children for a month with employee participation rising from 5,000 employees to over 10,500 employees. 

Commenting on the initiative, Swaminathan Subramanian, COO, SMFG India Credit, said: "'SMFG India Credit has continually demonstrated its commitment to social value creation and community welfare. Our belief is that small actions can lead to significant change and through Ek Muthi Chawal, our employees collectively donate for a meaningful cause and spread festive cheers across the country by bringing a smile on the faces of the children.  This initiative represents one of the core values of SMFG India Credit, where giving back to the society is as important as achieving our business goals.”

Additionally, personnel from our parent company SMFG are also participating in the initiative as part of their “Shaka Kaichi Day” celebration, where they will donate rice to further enhance the impact of the program.

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