New Delhi, 16 July, 2020: Technology industry body NASSCOM has joined a united global force of 12 major independent regional organizations representing the Technology and Business Services Sector across the world to facilitate deeper collaboration towards dealing with issues emerging our of the COVID crisis.
The Global Technology and Business Services Council (GT&BSC) aims to undertake feedback from tech companies across the world and provide critical collaborative support in ensuring smooth flow of "essential services" provided by skilled tech workers.
GT&BSC is an alliance of twelve international associations collectively representing the interests of over 10,000 organisations, including multi-nationals, indigenous tech companies, SMEs,
and start-ups. The joint body includes industry bodies from across Bosnia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Egypt, India, Latin America, Latvia, Malaysia, Poland, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, United States and Ukraine.
Shivendra Singh, Vice President, Global Trade Development, NASSCOM said that the spread of COVID pandemic has accelerated technology adoption across industries.
The tech sector was central to the rapid deployment of work from home models not only in India but across the world, providing key support to governments and healthcare for strengthening the fight against COVID. The emerging scenario has also brought to light the critical role of tech workers in supporting key IT infrastructure, managing data and global processes for critical sectors such as healthcare, government, banking, supply chains, telecom, come up with innovative data driven analytics, products and solutions that help in better decision making.
Across countries, technology is helping track the outbreak, clean hospitals, deliver supplies and develop vaccines.
"The one thing that is common in keeping multiple industries afloat during these trying times and enabling them to transform into digital businesses is "TECHNOLOGY". Shared efforts by governments, international organisation and global businesses remind us of our connectivity and interdependency and why it is important to retain the global nature of the tech industry. This is a time for collaboration, harnessing investment and innovation from around the world to maximise the speed and depth of economic recovery in all countries," Singh said.
He said that the GT&BSC will promote the industry globally, capture and share value creation, demonstrate the innovations it drives, provide a global network to share best practice, work collaboratively on global research programmes and thought leadership and represent the interests of the sector to multiple stakeholders.
NASSCOM is also a signatory to the global business community call by the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), US, to policymakers worldwide to adopt clear and consistent guidance on including technology workers as those providing essential services.
The National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM®) is the premier trade body and chamber of commerce of the Tech industry in India and comprises over 2800-member companies including both Indian and multinational organisations that have a presence in India.