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Infosys Foundation commits Rs 100 Cr towards COVID-19 relief efforts


Bengaluru, March 30, 2020: The Infosys CSR arm Infosys Foundation, has announced a commitment to spend around INR 100 towards fighting COVID-19 in India. The Foundation has already contributed half of this commitment (INR 50 crore) to the PM CARES Fund.

The COVID fund will be utilized across three broad areas - expanding hospital capacity for COVID-19 treatment; providing ventilators & Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for frontline healthcare workers; and providing better access to food and nutrition for the underprivileged section of the society.

Over the last two weeks, Infosys Foundation has announced support for creation of an exclusive hospital in Bangalore for COVID-19 patients. It has also enabled the acquisition of medical and PPE equipment for multiple military and government hospitals across the country. The Foundation is also supporting various NGOs that provide food and hygiene kits to thousands of people in need.

Infosys Foundation Chairperson Sudha Murty said that the efforts made by Infosys Foundation will be targeted towards ensuring that the relief material reaches the people who need it the most, whether it is a patient who cannot afford treatment, our healthcare personnel, or daily-wage workers whose livelihood has been severely impacted. "These are unprecedented times that require every section of the society to rise up to the challenge. Infosys Foundation has always supported the needs of the country in difficult situations and we will continue to work with governments, non-profits, and healthcare institutions in their fight against this global pandemic," she added.

Salil Parekh, CEO and MD, Infosys, said, "The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the toughest challenges that the world has been faced with. At such a time, it is imperative for businesses to join hands with the governments, civil society, as well as healthcare institutions to support the communities we live and serve in. Infosys Foundations, both in India and in the USA, are extending their resources and technological capabilities to help people who are most impacted by this pandemic."

Infosys Foundation is already working with multiple state governments and NGOs to expand its reach across the country.

Established in 1996, the Infosys Foundation supports programs in the areas of education, rural development, healthcare, arts and culture, and destitute care. Its mission is to work in remote regions of several states in India.