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From Victim to Victor: How Nilesh Transformed Her Life Through Resilience and Education


This is the inspiring story of Nilesh, who overcame the trauma of child marriage and domestic violence to become a beacon of hope in her community. Growing up in Sakurpurbasti, Delhi, Nilesh was married off at 12 and faced years of abuse before being abandoned by her husband during her fourth pregnancy. Determined to build a better future for her children, she found support in Bal Raksha Bharat (BRB). Through their guidance, Nilesh gained financial independence, embraced education for her children, and became a vocal advocate against child marriage. Her journey exemplifies that resilience and timely support can not only break the cycle of poverty but create brighter futures for individuals and families.

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From Victim to Victor: How Nilesh Transformed Her Life Through Resilience and Education

In the bustling neighborhood of Sakurpurbasti, Delhi, Nilesh's life was defined by hardships from an early age. Her dreams of education were abruptly halted when she was married off at just 12 years old, thrust into a life she was not prepared for. The subsequent years were marred by domestic violence, a harsh reality that she endured silently. Her situation worsened when her husband abandoned her during her fourth pregnancy, leaving Nilesh alone to fend for her children.

In the midst of this turmoil, hope emerged in the form of Bal Raksha Bharat (BRB). Members of the BRB BRB saw a woman yearning for a different future, not just for herself, but for her four children. Initially reserved, Nilesh gradually opened up to their guidance and assistance. With their encouragement, she began working as a housemaid, a first step towards self-sufficiency. She later joined BRB’s Multi Activity Centre (MAC), a decision that marked a turning point in her life. The stability and confidence she found there enabled her to secure work and gain financial independence. The transformation was palpable; her voice, once timid, grew stronger, her confidence blossomed.

Denied the opportunity for education herself, Nilesh was determined to ensure her children did not face the same fate. With BRB’s assistance, she obtained Aadhaar cards for her children, a crucial step for their school enrolment. Her eldest son joined the Multi Activity Centre, where BRB provided educational support through bridge courses and learning materials. This foundation enabled him to transition seamlessly into mainstream schooling. Meanwhile, Nilesh’s younger children benefited from the Mobile Learning Centre (MLC) and the Anganwadi center, ensuring their holistic development.

Through BRB’s interventions, her outlook on life transformed. Empowered by newfound independence and knowledge, she became an advocate for education, particularly for girls, in her community. Nilesh’s journey wasn’t just personal; she became a champion for change. Witnessing the negative effects of child marriage first-hand, she spoke out against the practice, her voice resonating within the community.

Nilesh’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of support and education. Her story exemplifies how breaking the cycle of poverty is possible, empowering individuals to create a brighter future for themselves and their families. Her life is not just a story of personal triumph but a beacon of hope and inspiration for many.

Since 2004, Bal Raksha Bharat (Save The Children – India) has been working tirelessly across various states in India to ensure that every child experiences a happy childhood and a promising future. Over the years, their efforts have directly impacted over 10 million children, more than half of whom are girls.

Nilesh’s story is one of many that have been created through multiple social initiatives supported by Acuity Knowledge Partners. They have partnered with Bal Raksha Bharat for their Project Anganwadi on Wheels impacting 548 children. Acuity Knowledge Partners is also coming with a Coffee Table Book featuring many such beautiful stories from their social endeavours.

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