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About Opportunity

The Foundry Fellowship embodies this belief through its creation of a community of Africa-based entrepreneurs who share a vision for a continent where people, ideas, and resources move across borders, and where ecosystems enable innovation-driven entrepreneurs to thrive and scale. This community plays a critical role in shifting the narrative of Africa to one of abundance, opportunity, innovation, and dynamism.

The Foundry Fellowship is an eight-month, transformative experience for accomplished entrepreneurs who are committed to leading the acceleration and interconnection of Africa’s innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems.

The fellowship is designed for principled leaders who seek to catalyze systems transformation and inclusive growth across Africa. Applicants choose to apply to the fellowship for the following reasons: 

  • They have had success in scaling an innovation-driven business, 
  • They are at an inflection point in their leadership journeys, AND 
  • They are seeking to identify ways to support the growth and evolution of entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems across Africa.

The fellowship is a cohort-based program, with 10-15 fellows accepted into the cohort each year. Going through the fellowship as a cohort gives fellows the supportive context to move beyond current inflection points to define the next stage in their entrepreneurial and leadership journeys. The small number of fellows in each cohort, the emphasis on a selective profile, and the unique curation of the curriculum, leads to a learning environment that is highly supportive for deep transformation.

The curriculum includes personal leadership seminars, coursework with MIT faculty, and experiential tours of innovation ecosystems as a cohort, including tours of multiple ecosystems on the African continent. Together, this unique program prepares fellows to lead initiatives that accelerate the development of ecosystems both within their home markets and throughout the continent.


Knowledge Skills and Abilities Required


  • As a Foundry Fellow, your commitment to your personal objectives, your cohort, and the next generation of innovation-driven entrepreneurs across Africa is essential to your success. The Center asks that you seriously consider the following program requirements before applying:
  • Confirming your English language ability:?The Foundry Fellowship programming is delivered in English;?all fellows should feel comfortable communicating complex ideas in writing, and verbally, in English.
  • Attending all Foundry Fellowship online sessions and in-person meetings: See the section below on key dates for a picture of the total time commitment. Typically, the fellowship program includes four ecosystem tours, each lasting between five and seven days. In the spring we combine two tours, bringing the total time away from work and home to about two weeks.
  • Providing your own transportation to and from ecosystem tour locations and covering some of your travel expenses. Note that the fellowship program covers most costs associated with ecosystem tours, including hotels, group meals, group transport, etc.; however, fellows are responsible for their own flights to and from ecosystem tours as well as certain travel-related expenses.
  • Participating fully in all sessions?by giving your full attention to the participants and discussion.
  • Presenting the next steps you will take after completing the Foundry Fellowship program to your peers and other supporters of the fellowship.


Other Details

May 17: Application period opens.

June 30: Application period closes.

July-August: Interviews with Legatum Center staff, community, and Foundry Fellow alumni.

September: Acceptance letters sent; commitments made.

October: Orientation (virtual).

November: Africa ecosystem tour (location TBD; approximately one week of travel).

January/February: Africa ecosystem tour (location TBD; approximately one week of travel).

April/May: US ecosystem tours (first location TBD; second location will be Boston/Cambridge; approximately two weeks of travel) and fellowship celebration event. 

Other Information/Terms & Condition

The fellowship is a cohort-based program, with 10-15 fellows accepted into the cohort each year. Going through the fellowship as a cohort gives fellows the supportive context to move beyond current inflection points to define the next stage in their entrepreneurial and leadership journeys. The small number of fellows in each cohort, the emphasis on a selective profile, and the unique curation of the curriculum, leads to a learning environment that is highly supportive for deep transformation.

The curriculum includes personal leadership seminars, coursework with MIT faculty, and experiential tours of innovation ecosystems as a cohort, including tours of multiple ecosystems on the African continent. Together, this unique program prepares fellows to lead initiatives that accelerate the development of ecosystems both within their home markets and throughout the continent.

Organisation Name


  • Tenure: 6 Month

  • Organisation Type International

Thematic Area

How to apply

Interested candidates can apply through this link.

Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship, Massachusetts Institute of

The Legatum Center was founded on the belief that entrepreneurs and their market-driven solutions are critical to advancing economic and social progress in the developing world. While global prosperity has increased in recent decades, the progress is uneven, with the worst deprivations concentrated in specific parts of the globe.

The Center drives more inclusive prosperity by building pathways for the next generation of change agents who, through principled entrepreneurial leadership, will create good jobs, transform systems, and improve lives. Our supporters include the Legatum Group, the Mastercard Foundation, HRH Princess Moudi Bint Khalid, and the Jacobs Foundation.

We’re a global community that is based at MIT, drawing on the Institute’s talent, networks, presence, and expertise to inspire and equip those who want to move their ideas toward scalable impact. Our Principles of Operation build on the principles of the broader MIT entrepreneurship community.

We build inclusive pathways within MIT and also between MIT and emerging market ecosystems. These not only support entrepreneurs on the ground, they also fuel research and thought leadership.

  • Date of posting: 2024-06-23

  • Deadline: 2024-06-30

  • Contact Phone :