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Strategic Partnerships Powering Social Change: An Inside Look at SBI General Insurance’s CSR Initiatives 


Mr. Rathin Lahiri, Head of Marketing & CSR, SBI General Insurance

In the evolving realm of corporate responsibility, meaningful action is paramount. SBI General Insurance has distinguished itself through impactful partnerships that drive their CSR initiatives. Mr. Rathin Lahiri, Head of Marketing & CSR, SBI General Insurance provides an in-depth look into how these collaborations are making a real difference. By working with renowned institutions and dedicated organizations, SBI General Insurance addresses crucial issues such as healthcare, road safety, and livelihood support.

Through innovative collaborations with IIT Madras, SaveLIFE Foundation, and the Cuddles Foundation, SBI General Insurance is tackling some of India's most pressing challenges. Their partnership with IIT Madras focuses on developing a groundbreaking Thermal Therapy Device for breast cancer treatment. With SaveLIFE Foundation, they have significantly reduced road fatalities on major highways. Their work with the Cuddles Foundation provides comprehensive support for pediatric cancer patients. This interview sheds light on how SBI General Insurance leverages strategic alliances to fulfill its social responsibility and contribute to the betterment of communities across India.

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Q. How do the various partnerships and initiatives undertaken by SBI General Insurance align with the company's broader corporate social responsibility strategy?

A. At SBI General, we are committed to using corporate social responsibility initiativesto create maximum impact among beneficiaries in projects centered around 3 main focus areas: health, road safety and livelihood.

We believe it is critical to invest in vulnerable communities to strengthen them and get our country to prosper. It is our conviction that such investment must be meaningful, entrenched and premised on long-term commitment as that is the only way real and on-ground transformation can happen.

Our CSR initiatives are rooted in ethical principles, strong governance, and effective management, supported by strong execution and transparent reporting. Our CSR initiatives primarily focus on areas like healthcare, road safety, and socio-economic & environmental sustainability, to make a positive difference in the communities we serve.

Q. Does SBI General Insurance involve its employees in its CSR initiatives? If so, how can employee engagement be further nurtured to create a culture of social responsibility within the company?

A. At SBI General, we recognize the power of employee engagement in driving social responsibility initiatives forward. By fostering a culture of volunteerism and community involvement, we empower our team members to actively contribute to bring a positive change in society.

Our commitment to employee engagement starts with enabling our Regional Heads to identify and bring to us meaningfulprojects, rather than operating in a fully centralized manner. Additionally, we have been collaboratingwith Goonj for Daan Utsav, also known as the Joy of Giving Week, where we organizea clothes collection drive in different locations. We also participate in the Mumbai Marathon and support Cuddles which does pediatric care for cancer affected children. We also do financial literacy sessions and workshops on career opportunities for children.

Through these collective efforts, we strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others while nurturing a sense of purpose and fulfillment among our employees. Together, we are dedicated to building a better and more inclusive society.

Q. The partnership with IIT Madras seems focused on device development. How will SBI General Insurance support the long-term sustainability of this initiative? This could involve aspects like training healthcare professionals, establishing treatment protocols, and ensuring device maintenance infrastructure.

A. Every 4 minutes a woman in India is struck with breast cancer. This is a shocking statistic. Breast cancer is increasing prevalent in both rural and urban parts of India, affecting women at younger ages. According to WHO, breast cancer continues to have high prevalence in India, remaining one of the leading cancers among women, with as many as 26% new cases. The report highlights that in India, breast, oral and cervical cancer accounted for 32% of the new cases.

In response to this pressing health issue, we have embarked on a transformative journey in healthcare innovation by partnering with the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras). Through our CSR initiative, we aim to empower the development of a Thermal Therapy Device, set to revolutionize the treatment landscape for breast cancer patients.

The technology developed at IIT Madras aims to provide an affordable and indigenous solution for advanced-stage breast cancer patients, prioritizing enhanced treatment outcomes and reduced maintenance costs.

Partnering with IIT Madras, known for its expertise in engineering and technology, we are determined to work with the best to find a solution to this issue. Their involvement brings hi quality research capabilities, and highly motivated teams to find a solution to this devastating disease.

Q. How does SBI General Insurance ensure long-term impact in its support for initiatives like the Zero-Fatality Corridors at key highways? Are there specific metrics or goals the company aims to achieve in these endeavors?

A. According to a FICCI-EY report, road crashes claim around 1,50,000 lives in India every year, comprising approximately 11 percent of the total number of such fatalities witnessed globally. Recognising the urgent need for change and improving road safety, we have joined forces with SaveLIFE Foundation to support the “SurakshitSadkein, Surakshit Bharat” initiative in Maharashtra.Through this collaboration, the project aims to revolutionize road safety by transforming high-fatality sections of the Mumbai–Pune Expressway and the Pune–Satara–Kagal highway into Zero-Fatality Corridors. As a result of this initiative, we have achieved a remarkable 38% reduction in road crash fatalities on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway in the last two years.

Additionally, we have provided Basic Life Support ambulance to Doers NGO, Himachal Pradesh Police, and Civil Hospital, Sundarnagar. The goal of the initiative is to provide early care and facilitate vital medical resources to traffic accident victims in Mandi district. Our aim is to offer early care and essential medical resources within the "Golden Hour" to those involved in traffic accidents.

Q. How does SBI General Insurance ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of its collaborations and initiatives in supporting pediatric cancer patients and cancer screening to drive further healthcare innovation?

A. Our commitment to healthcare innovation, particularly in the realm of cancer care, is rooted in its focus on health initiatives. According to the latest estimates of the disease's global burden by the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2022, India had more than 14.1 lakh new cancer cases and over 9.1 lakh deaths due to the disease.

We have joined our hands with Cuddles Foundation to support pediatric cancer patients. The program aims to provide counselling, diet planning, caregiver support, nutritional meals and supplements to these young pediatric cancer patients.

Additionally, our collaboration with MOC Cancer Care Foundation (MOCF) reaches out to address breast and cervical cancer, which is one of the major concerns for women in India.We have introduced a life-saving initiative: the 'Breast Cancer Detection Mobile Mammography Van'. This multi-utility van is designed to promote early detection of breast cancer, a leading cause of cancer deaths in India.

To ensure these efforts are effective and sustainable, we employ various strategies. We use our wide network and resources to expand projects and regularly assess their impact, making adjustments as needed to improve outcomes.

Q. Does SBI General Insurance publish detailed reports on its CSR activities? How can they improve transparency and accountability regarding their CSR investments and impact?

A. Our CSR initiatives are rooted in ethical principles, strong governance, and effective management, supported by transparent reporting. 

As part of the annual report, we showcase our CSR spending and the impact it has had on communities across the country. This transparent disclosure underscores our unwavering commitment to social responsibility and accountability across all facets of our operations.

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