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Nuvoco Vistas: Empowering Communities Through Sustainable CSR


Nuvoco Vistas, a key player in the Indian cement industry, is deeply committed to making a positive impact on the communities where it operates. Through its well-rounded Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, Nuvoco has focused on sustainable development, improving quality of life, and empowering individuals through skill development, healthcare, education, and infrastructure projects.

With initiatives like the Nuvo Mason Skill Development Program, which has trained over 500 individuals across states, and the installation of SMART Classrooms benefiting thousands of students, Nuvoco’s CSR efforts are designed to create meaningful, long-term change. The company’s CSR framework aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ensuring that its projects contribute to global sustainability targets while addressing local community needs.

In this interview with TheCSRUniverseMr. Ameet Rele, Head of Corporate Communications & CSR at Nuvoco Vistas Corp. Ltd., shares insights into the company’s CSR vision, goals, and the strategies behind these impactful initiatives.

Scroll down to read the full interview.


Q. Can you elaborate on Nuvoco Vistas' vision for Corporate Social Responsibility?What are your key goals for creating a positive community impact, and how do your focus areas align with this vision to promote sustainable development?

A. Nuvoco’s vision for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is deeply rooted in the core value of Care, reflecting a commitment to making a positive impact beyond business operations. 

The CSR strategy is designed to implement and promote socially sustainable programs in skilling and livelihood, education, health, and natural resource management, which are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Instead of continually adding new programs in CSR initiatives, the emphasis is on strengthening and enhancing existing ones, leveraging them to uplift society through five thematic pillars. Saksham Bharat for skill development and livelihood, Sangrahit Bharat for natural resource management, Shikshit Bharat for better education, Swasth Bharat for healthcare, and Sanrachit Bharat for environmental protection.

By focusing on these initiatives, Nuvoco aims to aid the communities via sustainable development initiatives, ensuring an engaging environment.

Q. What factors are most important to Nuvoco Vistas when selecting and prioritizing CSR initiatives? What are the biggest challenges you face in implementing and sustaining your CSR programs.

A. Nuvoco has been deeply committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) since its inception, with activities spread across all our facility locations. Our interventions in health, education, livelihoods, skill development, and infrastructure support have positively impacted the lives of communities where we operate. When selecting and prioritizing CSR initiatives, we adhere to core principles such as community acceptance, sustainability of results, scalability of activities, and replicability across geographies. These principles ensure that our CSR activities create shared value for both the community and the company, fostering long-term sustainability.

One of the biggest challenges in implementing and sustaining the CSR programs is creating community ownership. Community members may resist taking ownership of maintaining the projects for continued assistance from the Corporates, making it challenging for the company to draft exit plans post the projects have reached maturity. This, in turn, delays the implementation of new projects.

To address this challenge, we prioritize activities that encourage community involvement and ownership from the outset.

By fostering a sense of shared responsibility and ensuring that the community sees the value in maintaining the projects, we aim to create a more sustainable impact. 

Q. What led Nuvoco to launch the NUVO Mason program, and are there plans for expansion? How are participants selected, and how do you ensure the program’s long-term impact on their employment and income?

A. The steady growth of India’s economy has resulted in continuous spents in building and upgrading nation’s infrastructure. Recognizing the impending demand for quality masons, Nuvoco launched the NUVO Mason program in FY2022-23. This Masonry Skill Development Program aims to benefit the unorganized masonry sector by generating meaningful employment opportunities and thereby elevating the quality of their life. 

The program offers approximately 300 hours of training, covering both theoretical and practical aspects of tile masonry. The program content is aligned with the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), and upon successful completion, participants receive certification from the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). This certification includes QR codes, facilitates employment opportunities in government jobs or other schemes, and provides a track-and-trace mechanism for both trainees and the administration.

To identify participants who are most in need and would benefit the most, Nuvoco collaborates with an expert partner agency specialising in skill development. This agency employs a participatory approach for mobilising trainees and working with local community. 

A third-party impact assessment is conducted at the end of each financial year to measure the program’s long-term impact on participants’ lives, including employment opportunities, income improvement, and skill development. This assessment evaluates parameters such as candidates' current state of employment, increase in individual and family income post-training and placement, and the percentage of candidates pursuing entrepreneurship. 

This comprehensive approach ensures that the NUVO Mason program remains impactful and relevant, contributing to the long-term development of skilled masons in India.

This initiative has seen remarkable growth, with over 500 youth, including women, benefiting from the training across Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Haryana, and Jharkhand. Nuvoco remains committed to expanding the footprint of this program into other areas of operations. 

Q. Can you share some examples of successful initiatives or achievements within the Shikshit Bharat program, along with how Nuvoco Vistas ensures the long-term sustainability of these educational programs (e.g., computer centers, infrastructure improvements)?

A. Nuvoco is dedicated to positively impacting education through improved infrastructure and technology. By supporting tribal schools and investing in digital learning, the company is working towards a future where education is accessible and transformative. 

These efforts empower individuals with the skills needed for success in a digital world, contributing to a brighter and more educated India. One of the key initiatives under the Shikshit Bharat program is the SMART Class scheme, which has been implemented in 48 government schools across four plant locations, benefiting over 12,000 children. This initiative includes the installation of Smart Classes with Smart Boards, helping students understand complex topics better through AV content.

Additionally, it addresses fundamental needs such as access to clean drinking water, improved sanitation, consistent electricity supply, and essential teaching aids.

To ensure the long-term sustainability of these educational programs, Nuvoco regularly conducts audits to identify and address areas for improvement, focuses on creating an environment conducive to effective student learning and holistic development. 

Q. Beyond the mason program, can you provide some examples of successful initiatives undertaken under Saksham Bharat to empower communities and create livelihood opportunities? Please share examples of successful project outcomes.

A. In India, where a significant portion of the population relies on manual labour and traditional skills, the need for skill development is crucial. The country’s demographic dividend, with a large young population, presents an opportunity to harness this workforce for economic growth. By focusing on skill development, especially in sectors like construction, Nuvoco is providing training and creating pathways to meaningful employment through various initiatives. 

The Saksham Bharat initiative includes the following programs:

Project Daksh, focuses on providing industrial stitching training to women in rural areas. It has successfully provided training in industrial stitching and enhanced soft and social skills, opening up employment opportunities. The project has contributed to changing attitudes towards women’s work, boosting confidence, and promoting self-reliance among its beneficiaries. To date, over 400 women have been trained, with more than 120 placed in jobs and a considerable number turning as home entrepreneurs.

Project Samriddhi has been a transformative programme focused on agricultural activities such as mushroom and paddy cultivation. The programme has significantly improved women’s livelihoods in the areas of our plant operations.

Through Project Samriddhi, around 500 women farmers have substantially increased their annual income by INR 60,000-80,000 per year.

Q. Can you provide examples of how Nuvoco Vistas addresses basic needs through Sanrachit Bharat? How does the program prioritize impactful infrastructure projects and engage communities to identify and support these initiatives?

A. In rural areas, inadequate infrastructure significantly hampers daily life and economic progress. Nuvoco addresses these challenges through the Sanrachit Bharat Programme by focusing on essential community infrastructure. This initiative aims to improve living conditions and foster growth and prioritizes impactful projects based on community needs. Nuvoco evaluates and implements them in collaboration with the community. 

Some key initiatives include:

Project Jal Sanchay (Water Management): In an effort to address water scarcity and promote sustainable water management, the Company had added a capacity of 68,700 cubic metres (CuM) of water through pond-deepening activities in 9 villages. This endeavour resulted benefiting local communities with increased access to water for agriculture, domestic use, and other essential needs.

Solar Power for a Hospital: A local hospital near one of Nuvoco's cement plants struggled with unreliable electricity, affecting its ability to perform surgeries and provide essential healthcare. Nuvoco addressed this by installing a 5KVA off-grid solar power plant. This intervention ensured an uninterrupted power supply, enhancing the hospital's capability to deliver better medical services and improve patient care.

Additionally, around 100 solar lights were installed in various villages near the company's plant location based on community needs.

In FY 23-24, these developments under the Sanrachit Bharat Programme benefitted over 100,000 rural residents, fostering growth and connectivity. By addressing fundamental infrastructure needs and engaging with communities to identify and support these projects, Nuvoco is making a significant impact on improving rural life and promoting sustainable development.

Q. How does Nuvoco Vistas partner with other organizations to deliver its CSR programs? What specific contributions do these partnerships bring to the programs' effectiveness? Please share your experience.

A. Nuvoco collaborates with various organizations to enhance the impact and reach of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs.

The company partners with credible NGOs to fully implement community-based projects across various sectors, including health, skill development, education, livelihood, and natural resource management. Thorough due diligence is conducted before partnering with NGOs to ensure alignment with project goals and community needs. These partnerships enable Nuvoco to leverage the expertise and local presence of NGOs, ensuring effective execution and maximum impact of our initiatives.

In partnership with SHAHI Industries, Nuvoco’s Project Daksh has trained over 200 girls in the Sewing Machine Operator (SMO) trade over the past three years. Of these, 180 girls have been successfully placed in garment manufacturing units by SHAHI, significantly boosting their family incomes. These girls, hailing from economically disadvantaged rural areas, have acquired valuable skills and employment opportunities, showcasing the transformative impact of our CSR initiatives. Additionally, Nuvoco has also partnered with NABARD for deployment of it’s flagship skilling initiative, Nuvo Mason, in select regions.

Through these partnerships, Nuvoco ensures that its CSR programs are not only impactful but also sustainable, contributing to the long-term development of the communities we serve.

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