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From Education to Environment: How Sumadhura Foundation is Shaping Stronger Communities


Mr. Madhusudhan Gunda, Chairman and Managing Director of Sumadhura Group

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the significance of corporate social initiatives has never been greater, as they play a pivotal role in fostering sustainable development and addressing critical societal challenges. Mr. Madhusudhan Gunda, Chairman and Managing Director of Sumadhura Group, has been a driving force behind the Group's vision of "Laying the foundation of happiness," which seamlessly aligns with its corporate ethos of the "Joy of sharing."

In this interview, Mr. Gunda provides insights into the Sumadhura Foundation’s strategic approach to CSR, emphasizing its focus on education, environmental sustainability, and skill development as key pillars of community empowerment. The conversation delves into the Foundation’s evolving strategies since its inception in 2018, highlighting major initiatives and the challenges faced in executing impactful social projects. Mr. Gunda further outlines the Foundation's criteria for selecting partners, the importance of community involvement, and the metrics used to assess the success of its initiatives. As Sumadhura Group looks ahead, Mr. Gunda discusses plans for expanding its CSR footprint with the ambitious goal of creating 10,000 smiles over the next five years.

Read the full interview here:

Q. Please tell us more about your vision of “Laying the foundation of happiness” and how it aligns with the core values and corporate goals of the Sumadhura Group? 

A. Sumadhura’s purpose of “Laying the foundation of happiness” aligns directly with its foundational tagline “Joy of sharing.” Our activities focus on enhancing education, environmental preservation, and skill development, aiming to foster long-term community well-being and prosperity. These initiatives reflect a commitment to societal progress, sustainable growth, and creating opportunities for individual empowerment.

By supporting these areas, Sumadhura enhances the overall quality of life, exemplifying excellence and continuous improvement. These efforts not only benefit the community but also create a fulfilling environment for employees and add value to stakeholders.

Empowering educational and training centers to be more accessible to children, maintaining high standards, ensuring the timely completion of projects, and designing innovative programs highlight Sumadhura’s dedication to quality and reliability.

The spirit of sharing resources, knowledge, and opportunities brings joy and creates a ripple effect of happiness and progress within the community, aligning with Sumadhura’s core values and long-term goals.

Q. What are the focus areas that Sumadhura Foundation is currently working on?

A. Sumadhura Foundation mainly focuses on education, environment, and skill development, as they are essential for building strong, happy communities.

Education empowers individuals with knowledge, fostering societal progress. Environmental initiatives ensure the preservation of natural resources, promoting a healthier planet. Skill development provides people with the tools to improve their livelihoods, driving economic growth and acting as an income generation source for their families.

Together, these focus areas contribute to building stronger, more resilient communities, particularly in regions like Karnataka and Telangana, where most of our initiatives have taken place. This underscores our commitment to enhancing the quality of life and making a meaningful societal impact.

Q. How have the focus and approach of Sumadhura Foundation evolved since its inception in 2018 in response to the changing needs of the community? 

Since its inception in 2018, Sumadhura Foundation has progressively refined its focus and approach to align with the evolving needs of the community. Guided by a clear vision, the Foundation now emphasizes sustainable and impactful programs that create lasting benefits. By carefully identifying and targeting the true needs of the community, we select initiatives that reach a larger audience and provide significant advantages.

Furthermore, the Foundation focuses on impact assessment of programs over 3 to 5 years, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of their effectiveness. This strategic evolution enables Sumadhura Foundation to consistently enhance its support and make a meaningful difference in the community.

Q. Could you take us through some of the major initiatives that the Foundation has implemented in the recent past and how are they progressing? 

A. Below are two major initiatives from the foundation for the last financial year, 2023-24:

Gunda Sathaiah Memorial Upper Primary School:

Sumadhura Foundation has significantly transformed Gunda Sathaiah Memorial Upper Primary School in Iskilla, Nalgonda District, located 80 km from Hyderabad, by introducing modern facilities, leading to notable improvements in student attendance and enrollment, with 57 new students joining. The integration of digital platforms has boosted student engagement and academic performance, resulting in higher scores. Teachers are now more enthusiastic about joining and teaching at the school. Since last year, the Foundation has also taken on the responsibility of maintaining the school, ensuring it remains a conducive learning environment. This includes employing three additional staff members and housekeeping personnel to keep the school clean and hygienic. This initiative continues to grow, with more holistic goals set for this year, further enhancing the educational environment.

Iskilla Village Skill Development For Women & Youth:

- YouTube Channel Training: The Foundation’s skill development program has empowered 8 to 9 young enthusiasts to launch their own YouTube channels, allowing them to showcase their talents and build an online presence.
- Sewing Machine Training: 50% of the trainees from the sewing machine program are now earning between 8,000 to 10,000 INR by stitching school uniforms, demonstrating the practical impact of the skills they have acquired.
- Aari and Embroidery Training: Participants in the aari and embroidery training programs are now earning 5,000 to 6,000 INR through their newly acquired skills.

Q. What parameters guide the foundation’s choice of partners for its initiatives? 

Sumadhura Foundation carefully selects partners for its initiatives based on several key parameters:

- Clear and Transparent Vision: Partners must share a clear and transparent vision that aligns with the Foundation’s goals, ensuring a unified approach towards achieving impactful outcomes.
- Trust in Real Impact: The Foundation prioritizes partners who are committed to delivering tangible and measurable impact, demonstrating the effectiveness and sustainability of their programs.
- Commitment and Dedication: Partners must exhibit a strong commitment and dedication to the cause, ensuring that their efforts consistently contribute to the Foundation’s mission and values.
- Alignment with Sumadhura’s CSR Policy: Potential partners should have initiatives that align with Sumadhura’s CSR policy, ensuring that all collaborative efforts are in harmony with the Foundation’s strategic objectives and community focus areas.

These parameters ensure that Sumadhura Foundation works with reliable and effective partners, maximizing the positive impact of its initiatives.

Q. What suggestions would you offer to businesses and NGOs for working more symbiotically to achieve more impactful outcomes? 

A. Focus on Long-Term Impact: Ensure the commitment to programs extends beyond their initial implementation. Regular maintenance and follow-up are crucial to sustain the benefits and impact of any initiative. Shift the focus from short-term achievements to long-term impact. Develop programs with sustainability in mind, ensuring that the benefits extend well into the future.

Evaluate Dedication and Commitment of End Users: Assess the dedication and commitment of the beneficiaries to ensure that the resources and opportunities provided are utilized effectively. This helps in maximizing the impact and ensuring sustainable outcomes.

Identify the Right Target Group: Invest time and effort in identifying the genuinely needy groups who can benefit the most from the programs. This ensures that resources are directed where they are most needed, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the initiatives.

Collaborative Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement joint monitoring and evaluation processes to assess the progress and impact of the programs. This collaborative approach ensures that both parties are equally invested in the success of the initiatives. Be open to adapting strategies and programs based on feedback and changing circumstances. Flexibility allows for adjustments that can lead to more effective outcomes.

By incorporating these suggestions, businesses and NGOs can work together more effectively, creating a symbiotic relationship that leads to more impactful and sustainable community development outcomes.

Q. What are some of the major challenges Sumadhura Foundation has faced in executing its social initiatives, and what key learnings have emerged from these experiences? 

Major Challenges:
- Beneficiary Engagement:
Ensuring beneficiaries fully commit to and utilize the opportunities provided.
- Understanding Target Area Economy: Accurately assessing the village economy to identify real opportunities for the skills developed.
- Local Implementation Partners: Finding reliable and committed local partners for effective program implementation.

Key Learnings:
- Improved Engagement:
Developed strategies to better motivate and support beneficiaries in using their new skills.
- Thorough Economic Assessments: Conducting detailed assessments of village economies to tailor skill development programs effectively.
- Rigorous Partner Selection: Enhanced vetting and support for local partners to ensure commitment and capability.

Q. How do you involve the local community in your projects, and what role does community feedback play in shaping future initiatives?

A. We conduct thorough community need analysis and define our strategy based on these findings. Focus group discussions with local leaders and volunteers play a crucial role in designing our programs. Feedback from the community is integral to monitoring projects and making necessary adjustments based on their suggestions. This approach helps us avoid past mistakes and create more specific and effective programs for the future.

Q. How does Sumadhura Foundation measure the impact of its initiatives, and what metrics or indicators are used to assess the success of different projects? 

A. Sumadhura Foundation measures the impact of its programs using specific metrics tailored to each initiative. For Iskilla School, we track student enrollment and attendance, academic performance, teacher retention and satisfaction, and facility maintenance. In skill development programs, we monitor employment rates, income growth, and the success of initiatives like sewing machine training. Community engagement is assessed through participation levels, feedback, and long-term impact on financial stability and well-being. Environmental initiatives are evaluated based on the adoption of sustainability practices and improvements in resource management and the usability of the developed initiatives. These metrics are reviewed through monthly, quarterly, and annual assessments to ensure continuous improvement and success.

Q. Based on your experience, what recommendations would you make to policymakers to enable businesses to choose and implement CSR initiatives more effectively?

A. Ensure that government authorities are approachable and supportive.
- Utilize government data analytics to avoid duplication of work.
- Streamline the approval process.
- Create flexible regulations.
- Foster collaboration between businesses, NGOs, and government agencies.

Q. Going forward, what are the plans for expansion or diversification of your CSR initiatives in the near future? 

A. Going forward, Sumadhura Group plans to expand and diversify its CSR initiatives with the vision of creating 10,000 smiles in the next five years. Our goal is to implement more impactful programs that significantly improve the lives of beneficiaries, both financially and in terms of knowledge. We will focus on encouraging students, empowering youth, and supporting women’s empowerment. These areas will drive the development of activities that foster a balanced community and society, creating opportunities now and ensuring they remain available for future generations. This aligns with Sumadhura Foundation’s vision of sustainable and inclusive growth.

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