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Empowering the Future: A Conversation with NIIT Foundation and Angel One on Transforming Youth Employability


In today’s rapidly evolving job market, the need for employability skills has never been more crucial, especially for underserved communities. In this exclusive interview, we are joined by Charu Kapoor, Country Director of NIIT Foundation, and Shefali Hasija, CSR Head at Angel One, two key figures behind a transformative initiative that has empowered over 3,400 underserved youth with vital employability skills.

Their collaborative effort is more than just a program—it’s a lifeline for young individuals striving to secure a brighter future. Through this partnership, NIIT Foundation and Angel One are not only enhancing the skill sets of these youths but also opening doors to new opportunities and a more inclusive workforce.

In this interview, we will explore the impact of this initiative, the challenges they have overcome, and their shared vision for the future.

Scroll down for the full interview.

Charu Kapoor, Country Director, NIIT Foundation

Q. Can you elaborate on the specific employability skills the NIIT Foundation’s training program focuses on, and why these skills are crucial for the targeted youth demographic?

A. At NIIT Foundation, our training programs are meticulously designed to equip youth with a diverse range of employability skills that are essential for thriving in today’s competitive job market. We focus on key areas such as digital literacy, communication skills, problem-solving, and job-specific technical skills tailored to various industries. Digital literacy includes ability in essential software and tools, while our communication skills training emphasizes both verbal and written communication, crucial for effective interaction in professional settings.

Problem-solving skills are nurtured through practical scenarios that enhance critical thinking and adaptability. Additionally, we provide industry-relevant technical training to ensure our trainees are job-ready with practical, hands-on experience. These skills are not just important but they are vital for our targeted youth demographic to gain meaningful employment, build careers, and contribute positively to their communities. We understand that in today’s rapidly evolving job market, a comprehensive skill set can make all the difference, and we are committed to providing our trainees with the tools they need to succeed.

Q. What were some of the major challenges faced during the implementation of this program, and how did you overcome them?

A. During the implementation of our programs, we met several significant challenges, such as reaching remote areas, engaging participants with limited prior exposure to technology, and securing sustainable funding. To address these issues, we partnered with local organizations to improve outreach and ensure our programs were accessible to underserved communities. We also designed tailored training modules to cater to varying skill levels and employed a mix of traditional and digital learning methods to enhance engagement. For financial sustainability, we actively sought collaborations with corporate partners and governments who shared our vision, which helped us secure the necessary resources to continue and expand our initiatives.

Q. Could you share success stories from some youths who have benefited from this program? How has it impacted their career trajectories?

A. At NIIT Foundation, we take immense pride in the success stories of the youths who have transformed their lives through our programs. For instance, take Ananya, who came to us with limited resources but a strong desire to learn. Through our vocational training, she gained essential skills in digital marketing and went on to secure a position with a leading tech company. Then there's Raj, who had a passion for coding but needed direction. Our training provided him with the necessary expertise, and now he's thriving as a software developer. These stories are just a glimpse into how our programs not only provide skills but also open doors to new opportunities, shaping the future of young individuals and setting them on paths to success.

Q. How does the partnership with Angel One enhance the effectiveness of the training program, and are there plans to collaborate with other organizations in the future?

A. Our partnership with Angel One significantly enriches the effectiveness of our training programs. Angel One's expertise and resources enhance the quality of our vocational training, providing participants with innovative tools and insights essential for their growth and success. This collaboration has enabled us to offer more targeted, industry-relevant training, ensuring that our beneficiaries are well-prepared for the job market. Looking ahead, we are committed to exploring further partnerships with other organizations that share our vision of empowering individuals through education and skill development.

Q. What are the future goals of the NIIT Foundation in terms of expanding the reach of this program, and how do you plan to measure its long-term impact on the community?

A. Our goals revolve around significantly expanding the reach of our programs to impact more communities across India. For this, we plan to scale up our existing initiatives, partnering with local organizations, and leveraging technology to extend our services to underserved areas. Our focus will remain on enhancing digital literacy, vocational training, and educational opportunities.

To measure the long-term impact, we will track key metrics such as employment rates, educational attainment, and personal growth among beneficiaries. We also plan to gather qualitative feedback through regular surveys and success stories, which will help us understand the real-world changes in the lives of individuals and communities. Our aim is to create lasting positive change and empower individuals to thrive in an increasingly digital world.

Shefali Hasija, CSR Head, Angel One

Q. What motivated Angel One to partner with the NIIT Foundation for this employability skills training program, and what role does Angel One play in this collaboration? 

A. Owing to its robust division dedicated to equipping youth with essential skills and facilitating their placement in various sectors, NIIT Foundation is a key partner of ours in extending our CSR efforts across the segment – perfectly aligning with Angel One's CSR Mission and reflecting a shared commitment to fostering talent and employment opportunities. As an organization, it is fully compliant, which is a key criterion for CSR grant management.

Q. Can you describe some of the key outcomes or successes that have resulted from this partnership so far? How do these align with your CSR goals?

A. Angel One's CSR objective is to empower underprivileged students by providing them with opportunities to enhance their skills, thereby enabling them to become economically independent and self-reliant. Our partnership with the NIIT Foundation aligns seamlessly with this goal. Over the past two years, this collaboration has successfully trained and placed over 4,000 young individuals in the formal sector, demonstrating the effectiveness and impact of our joint efforts.

Q. What criteria did you and the NIIT Foundation use to select the underserved youths who participated in the training program?

A. NIIT Foundation carried out a thorough‘Needs-Based Assessment’ directly on the ground, which provided valuable insights for determining a well-justified selection of participant groups and strategically viable geographical areas for the program.

Q. How do you plan to support this program's continued development and expansion, and are there any new initiatives or collaborations in the pipeline? 

A. We are committed to maintaining our support for the program throughout the fiscal year 2024-2025. Decisions regarding the plans and direction for fiscal year 2025 will be made at a later date.

Q. From Angel One's perspective, what are the most significant challenges faced by underserved youths in gaining employability skills, and how does this program specifically address those challenges?

A. The primary challenge is to ensure that young individuals achieve and maintain stable employment over the long term. This involves not only assisting them in securing and retaining their current jobs but also providing ongoing support through a comprehensive post-placement program. In this regard, our program, in partnership with the NIIT Foundation, aims to offer continuous guidance and resources to help these individuals succeed in their roles and advance their careers.

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