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Concrete Action: JK Lakshmi Cement Charts Course for Sustainable Production


The cement industry is one of the largest sources of carbon emissions worldwide, presenting a significant challenge for environmental sustainability. As a critical material in construction, cement production is energy-intensive and heavily reliant on natural resources, making the industry's transition toward sustainability crucial for combating climate change.

Recognizing the importance of sustainable practices in the cement industry, JK Lakshmi Cement, a leader in eco-conscious production, is spearheading innovative strategies. By implementing alternative fuels, energy-efficient technologies, and renewable energy sources, the company is actively shaping a more sustainable future for the industry.

In an interview with TheCSRUniverseMs. Vinita Singhania, Vice Chairperson and Managing Director of JK Lakshmi Cement, shares the company's journey toward environmental stewardship and sustainability. Ms. Singhania discusses the company's efforts to exceed 50% green energy consumption, the use of Waste Heat Recovery Systems, and the adoption of circular economy principles. She also highlights the company's proactive measures to engage with local communities and address potential concerns regarding air and noise pollution from its expanded production facilities. Her insights reveal JK Lakshmi Cement's commitment to setting new industry benchmarks in sustainability and its ongoing pursuit of innovative solutions for a greener, more responsible future.

Scroll down for detailed insights.


Q. Can you outline JK Lakshmi Cement's specific sustainability goals and initiatives, particularly in terms of reducing carbon emissions and promoting resource efficiency?

A. Environmental responsibility is our top priority, so we have implemented a comprehensive strategy to minimize our footprint. And JK Lakshmi Cement is committed to reducing carbon emissions and promoting resource efficiency throughout operations. Having said that we’re continuously improving our environmental performance and adhering to the highest environmental standards. We have and are trying to achieve this by adopting energy-efficient technologies, utilizing alternative fuels and raw materials and actively conserving natural resources like limestone, gypsum, water, and energy.  We're also significantly increasing the use of renewable energy sources like solar power and waste heat recovery in our cement production processes. These initiatives demonstrate our dedication to building a sustainable future for generations to come.

Q. In what ways does JK Lakshmi Cement prioritize environmentally friendly practices in its operations, and how does it ensure compliance with sustainability standards and regulations?

A. At JK Lakshmi Cement, we prioritize a multi-pronged approach to reduce energy consumption and waste. This includes utilizing alternative fuels, implementing waste heat recovery systems, and investing in energy-efficient machinery.  Similarly, we've set ambitious goals to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and increase renewable energy usage. We collaborate closely with suppliers to ensure they adhere to high sustainability standards as well.

Compliance with sustainability regulations is paramount. Keeping this in mind we have a dedicated team of experts who monitor compliance and ensure that we achieve our sustainability targets. We firmly believe that sustainability is not just environmentally beneficial, but financially advantageous too. It lowers operating costs and attracts customers seeking environmentally friendly products and services. We are relentless in our pursuit of continuous improvement. We explore new technologies like carbon capture and storage, and actively collaborate with stakeholders to develop innovative sustainability initiatives and partnerships. This ensures JK Lakshmi Cement remains a leader in sustainable cement production.

Q. How does JK Lakshmi Cement use of Waste Heat Recovery Systems (WHRS) contribute to exceeding 50% green energy consumption and impact the industry's sustainability profile, setting a precedent for renewable energy adoption?

A. Utilization of Waste Heat Recovery Systems (WHRS) has not only significantly reduced our environmental footprint but also serves as a benchmark for the entire cement industry's sustainability journey. WHRS allows us to capture waste heat, a by-product of the cement production process, and convert it into usable energy, effectively increasing our green energy consumption beyond 50%. This commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility inspires others in the sector to adopt similar practices. By demonstrating the feasibility and effectiveness of WHRS, we are fostering a collective culture of environmental stewardship within the industry, paving the way for a more sustainable future for cement production.

Q. How will JK Lakshmi Cement ensure responsible sourcing of raw materials to minimize environmental impact across its operations, promoting sustainable supply chain practices amidst its increased production capacity?

A. At JK Lakshmi Cement, we are committed to responsible sourcing of raw materials to minimize our environmental impact and promote sustainable supply chain practices. We recognize that as we increase our production capacity, it is essential to ensure that our sourcing practices align with our sustainability goals.

To achieve this, we have implemented a comprehensive raw material sourcing strategy that prioritizes the use of locally sourced materials where possible, reducing transportation emissions and supporting local communities. We also work closely with our suppliers to ensure that they adhere to our sustainability standards, including responsible mining practices and the preservation of natural habitats.

Furthermore, we are investing in the development of new technologies and processes to reduce our reliance on traditional raw materials, such as alternative fuels and raw materials in our cement production. This includes the use of waste materials, such as fly ash and slag, which not only reduces our environmental impact but also promotes the circular economy.

We are also committed to transparency and traceability in our supply chain, using blockchain technology to track the origin of our raw materials and ensure that they are sourced responsibly. This also helps us to identify and mitigate any potential risks, such as child labour or unethical practices, and ensures that we are working with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability.

Q. How can JK Lakshmi Cement serve as a model for sustainable large-scale production for other companies in the cement industry, fostering industry-wide innovation and best practices?

A. At JK Lakshmi Cement, we prioritize sustainable and responsible production, viewing it as both an ethical imperative and a long-term business advantage. We've implemented several innovative solutions to minimize our environmental impact and optimize resource use, which can serve as a model for others in the cement industry.

We are embracing advanced technologies like Vertical Roller Mills (VRM) and Waste Heat Recovery Systems (WHR). VRMs significantly reduce energy consumption compared to traditional methods, while WHR systems generate clean power from waste heat, lowering our reliance on fossil fuels.

Similarly, we've adopted a circular economy approach, incorporating alternative fuels and raw materials. Our dedicated research and development center explores solutions for waste management and resource optimization. We utilize industrial waste like fly ash, slag, and gypsum, not only reducing our dependence on virgin resources but also contributing to responsible waste disposal.

Moreover, we've implemented water conservation measures like rainwater harvesting, wastewater treatment, and recycling. Additionally, green belts around our manufacturing units promote biodiversity and mitigate air pollution.

Finally, a robust sustainability reporting system allows us to track progress and identify areas for improvement. We're committed to transparent reporting and stakeholder engagement to foster industry-wide innovation and best practices.

Q. Beyond green energy, what other sustainability initiatives is JK Lakshmi Cement exploring to minimize the environmental footprint of its cement production facilities, demonstrating a comprehensive approach to sustainability?

A. While transitioning to renewable energy is a crucial step, JK Lakshmi Cement recognizes the need for a comprehensive approach to sustainability in our cement production. We're actively exploring a circular economy through initiatives like waste heat recovery, utilizing alternative raw materials, and promoting industrial symbiosis. This not only reduces waste but also enhances resource efficiency and minimizes our environmental footprint.

Water is another primary focus. We've implemented rainwater harvesting, water recycling systems, and efficient water usage practices to become responsible water stewards and reduce our water footprint.

We're also looking to the future through exploring innovative carbon capture and utilization technologies. By capturing and repurposing CO2 emissions, we aim to mitigate our environmental impact and contribute to combating climate change.

Beyond our operations, we understand the importance of a healthy ecosystem.  JK Lakshmi Cement is actively engaged in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration initiatives around our production facilities. We collaborate with local communities and conservation organizations to enhance biodiversity, restore ecosystems, and promote sustainable land use practices.

Q. How will JK Lakshmi Cement address potential concerns from local communities regarding air or noise pollution from its expanded production facilities, prioritizing community engagement and proactive mitigation measures?

A. JK Lakshmi Cement recognizes the importance of being a good neighbour and is committed to addressing potential concerns from local communities regarding air and noise pollution from our expanded production facilities. We believe in open communication and will proactively engage with residents to understand their questions. We prioritize transparency by keeping the community informed about our operations, environmental performance, and any measures taken to mitigate pollution.

Furthermore, JK Lakshmi Cement is dedicated to implementing a comprehensive set of proactive mitigation measures. This includes adopting state-of-the-art technologies and innovative solutions to minimize our environmental impact. We will invest in equipment and processes that reduce emissions and noise levels, ensuring we meet and exceed environmental regulations.

Our commitment goes beyond simply complying with regulations. JK Lakshmi Cement understands that addressing these concerns requires collaboration. We will work closely with local authorities, environmental experts, and community organizations to develop sustainable solutions and ensure a positive impact on the surrounding communities. Through continuous improvement, we strive to further reduce our environmental footprint and enhance our contribution to the well-being of the local communities in which we operate.

Q. Could you elaborate on JK Lakshmi Cement's approach to incorporating renewable energy sources into its production processes and reducing its overall carbon footprint, showcasing the company's commitment to environmental sustainability?

A. We believe that sustainable practices lead to greater efficiency. That's why we're constantly looking for ways to "go green" while optimizing cement production.

Our commitment is reflected in several initiatives. We use alternative fuels to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and have set an ambitious goal of doubling our energy productivity by 2040 (against a 2015 baseline). We're also aligned with the Science Based Targets initiative to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

The progress is evident. Our Durg plant exemplifies this success, meeting nearly 80% of its energy needs with renewable sources like solar power. As a group, we're currently at 40% renewable energy use for electricity, with a firm target of 100% by 2040.

Our commitment goes beyond just renewable energy. We're also focusing on blended cement to further reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Additionally, we've implemented pre- and co-processing systems at our Sirohi plant to achieve this goal. Looking ahead, we're targeting a group-level TSR (Thermal Substitution Rate) of 20% by 2030, with our Durg plant already achieving 7%.

We're even exploring cutting-edge technologies like Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) to minimize our carbon footprint. These efforts not only benefit the environment but also contribute to India's broader climate goals. By transitioning to clean energy and adopting efficient processes, we're ensuring a sustainable future for our company and the planet.

Q. What measures has JK Lakshmi Cement taken to promote circular economy principles, such as waste reduction, recycling, and sustainable packaging, within its operations, ensuring efficient resource utilization and waste management?

A. At JK Lakshmi Cement, promoting circular economy principles and ensuring efficient resource utilization are paramount to our operations. We're committed to reducing waste, recycling materials, and adopting sustainable packaging practices.

We focus on utilizing alternative fuels and raw materials, minimizing our reliance on traditional resources and lowering our environmental impact. We're actively implementing projects to enhance our Thermal Substitution Rate and Waste Heat Recovery capacity, further optimizing energy consumption and reducing waste generation. Additionally, we're sourcing solar power at our Durg Cement Plant to increase our use of renewable energy and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Our subsidiary, Udaipur Cement Works Ltd (UCWL), is also expanding its production capacity with a focus on sustainability.

Additionally, we're undertaking expansion projects that prioritize environmental responsibility. These projects, including increased clinker capacity and establishment of cement grinding units, will utilize advanced and sustainable technologies to minimize environmental impact while enhancing production capacity.

We believe in collective responsibility for sustainability. We're committed to creating a long-lasting system that benefits future generations. This includes adopting best environmental practices aligned with sustainable development goals, integrating environmental concerns into our core operations, and raising awareness among our employees and local communities to encourage sustainable practices.

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