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Beyond Business: VFS Global's Impactful Role in Community Support


Shireen Mistree, Head of ESG, VFS Global

VFS Global, a global leader in visa outsourcing and technology services, is redefining the role of corporations in community support. Under the strategic guidance of Shireen Mistree, Head of ESG, the company has integrated sustainability into its organizational DNA, championing a holistic approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

With a focus on Education, Empathy, and Environment, VFS Global has implemented over 200 community projects in 2023, positively impacting more than 21,000 individuals across 74 countries. Through strategic partnerships with 97 NGOs and local organizations, the company has successfully balanced profitability with purpose, demonstrating that meaningful community support is not just a corporate duty but a powerful force for global good.

In an exclusive interview with TheCSRUniverse, Shireen Mistree shares insights into VFS Global's approach to community engagement, the strategies that drive their CSR initiatives, and the transformative impact of their efforts on both local communities and the broader world.

Read the full interview below for detailed insights.


Q. VFS Global champions both sustainability and community support. Can you share the guiding vision behind your CSR and ESG efforts, and how it translates into measurable social impact beyond just financial investment?

A. At VFS Global, we are dedicated to integrating sustainability into our operational practices, company ethos, and key objectives. Our approach to sustainability is built on five central pillars – Contributing to Sustainable Economic Growth, Delivering Good Governance, Nurturing Our Colleagues, Protecting Our Environment and Supporting Our Communities. We equate measurable achievements in these areas with essential business aims. Reflecting this commitment, we have connected leadership incentives to sustainability targets, allocating 7.5% of all employee performance to the organisation's top three sustainability objectives.  

Our comprehensive CSR Policy guides our global corporate social responsibility projects. Our focus encompasses three principal domains: Education, Empathy, and Environment, which underscore our community contributions. In 2023, we initiated over 200 community projects, positively affecting more than 21,000 individuals across 74 nations. These efforts were possible through partnerships with 97 Non-Governmental Organisations, community groups, and governmental agencies, yielding an average of 0.68 volunteer hours per full-time staff member.

Q. Can you share some key initiatives that have had the most significant impact on local communities, along with a few success stories or impact numbers to illustrate their effectiveness?

A. We’re deeply committed to making a tangible impact on the communities we serve. One of our key initiatives involves prioritizing local suppliers and businesses in our procurement process. This effort not only supports local economies but also promotes sustainable growth. Additionally, our volunteering programs and CSR initiatives have created numerous job opportunities and provided meaningful support to local communities. For instance, our focus on working with women-owned and indigenous businesses has empowered these groups and contributed to their economic development. These efforts illustrate our dedication to fostering positive, long-term change. 

Q. What innovative strategies has VFS Global employed to address social issues in the communities you operate in, while also considering environmental sustainability? How do you ensure these strategies are not only effective but also sustainable in the long run?

A. We blend innovation with our commitment to social and environmental responsibility through our comprehensive Sustainability Strategy Framework. We adhere to globally recognized standards such as GRI, SASB and United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) principles ensuring our strategies address social issues effectively while promoting environmental sustainability. Our operations are also guided by ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Management Systems Requirements, ISO 22301:2019 for business continuity and a robust Information Security Management System (ISMS). This framework helps us implement innovative solutions that are not only impactful but also sustainable in the long term, balancing our social initiatives with environmental stewardship to ensure lasting positive change in the communities we serve.

Q. Employee volunteering is a significant part of your CSR efforts. How does VFS Global encourage and facilitate employee participation in community service, and what benefits have you observed from this engagement, both for employees and communities?

A. Volunteer work is a key component of VFS Global's CSR approach. This year, we rolled out the Global Volunteering Time-Off Policy, granting paid leave to staff for community service activities. As a result, over 3,000 volunteers have collectively devoted upwards of 7,400 hours to serving the community.

Q. VFS Global has made impressive strides in environmental sustainability. How do these environmental efforts tie into your broader CSR strategy? What are your specific future goals in this area, regarding integrating sustainability principles into community programs, and the overall advancement of your CSR and sustainability programs?  

A. The environment is a key focus area within our Global CSR Policy. In alignment with our commitment to corporate social responsibility, we continue to take action to neutralize the carbon footprint of our business travel. Like in the previous year, we compensated for 2,000 tonnes of CO2 in 2023 by supporting a My Climate Project—an initiative led by the Swiss NGO—that implements advanced cooking stoves in over 25,000 homes, affecting approximately 125,000 people across the Garo Hills in Meghalaya, India. These stoves reduce the requirement for firewood, thus lowering deforestation and emissions, improving air quality indoors, reducing pollution, and aiding in the conservation of local forests.

These efforts support sustainable development goals by promoting environmentally conscious cooking methods within those communities.

VFS Global assisted this initiative by setting up and maintaining cooking stoves for 142 homes. This helped villagers save time and resources to create eco-friendly stays near national parks, encouraging sustainable tourism. The aid impacted 710 people, saved 1,746 tonnes of wood, cut carbon emissions by 397 tonnes, and protected 1.13 hectares of forest. These actions reflect VFS Global's dedication to the environment as part of its Sustainability Framework.

Q. From a business perspective, what are the tangible and intangible benefits VFS Global has experienced by investing in community support and CSR initiatives?

A. The most essential and far-reaching benefits are bolstering the trust of and value creation for our stakeholder’s which include our client governments, customers, colleagues and partners. In addition, there are tangible advantages such as improved operational efficiencies through cost savings from sustainable practices. By involving employees in community and sustainability projects, we’ve also fostered a sense of purpose and alignment with our corporate values. Additionally, our strong community relationships reinforce our role as a responsible corporate citizen, contributing to long-term business success and stakeholder support.

Q. Collaboration often amplifies impact. How does VFS Global partner with other organizations, governments, or NGOs to enhance its CSR and community support efforts?

A. VFS Global amplifies its CSR and community support efforts through strategic collaborations with various organizations, governments, and NGOs. These efforts were possible through partnerships with 97 Non-Governmental Organisations, community groups, and governmental agencies, yielding an average of 0.68 volunteer hours per full-time staff member.

We partner with NGOs to co-develop and implement impactful community programs, such as educational initiatives and environmental sustainability projects. Our collaborations with government entities ensure that our efforts align with national and local priorities, enhancing their effectiveness and reach. Additionally, by working with local businesses and community groups, we address specific regional needs and support local economies. These partnerships enable us to pool resources, share expertise, and drive more significant, sustainable impacts across the communities we serve. 

Q. Based on your experience, what advice would you give to other corporations looking to enhance their CSR and community support initiatives? What are the key elements for success in this area?

A. To bolster CSR and community outreach, companies must align their activities with their fundamental values and business plan. This ensures authenticity and a more unified effect of CSR endeavors. Conducting detailed stakeholder analysis is essential for identifying community needs and fostering relevant, impactful programs.

Forming partnerships with respected NGOs, government entities, and community groups can enhance the reach of CSR projects by drawing on collective knowledge and resources. Utilizing data to monitor program success promotes ongoing optimization and visible results. Also, encouraging employees to volunteer can create a committed and supportive company culture, reinforcing the effectiveness and endurance of CSR initiatives.

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