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Art, Business, and Philanthropy: A Conversation with Michelle Poonawalla, MD, Poonawalla Engineering Companies


Michelle Poonawalla exemplifies the perfect blend of creativity, business acumen, and philanthropic dedication. As an accomplished artist and the Managing Director of Poonawalla Engineering Companies, she brings a unique perspective to social impact and community enrichment.

In this exclusive interview with TheCSRUniverse, Michelle shares how her diverse roles as a business leader, artist, and philanthropist influence her approach to making a positive difference in society. From her recent efforts in restoring the Pune Turf Club to her journey as an artist inspired by her grandfather, Jehangir Vazifdar, her commitment to preserving cultural heritage and fostering community growth is evident. She also discusses the challenges and learnings from her philanthropic endeavours, her future plans for social impact initiatives, and provides valuable advice for aspiring philanthropists.

Join us as we delve into the multifaceted life of Michelle Poonawalla and her pursuit of excellence and social responsibility:

Q. You wear many hats as a business leader, artist, and philanthropist. How do these diverse experiences influence and enhance your approach to social impact and philanthropy?

A. My roles as a business leader, artist, and philanthropist are interconnected, each enriching the other. My family's love and support, coupled with my artistic expression, fuels my passion for social impact. I believe that by sharing my experiences and advocating for causes close to my heart, I can inspire others to make a positive difference in the world. It is also important for me to be around my children who are in their formative years and need both Yohan and me to guide them through the challenges that life is bringing to them. Each role is an important part of my life, and I thoroughly enjoy all these roles and wouldn’t change a thing.

Q. Could you share more about your recent efforts in restoring the Pune Turf Club? How do you view your role in preserving cultural heritage and fostering community enrichment through such projects?

A. Restoring the Pune Turf Club was a labour of love. We aimed to preserve its historic charm while creating a modern space that could be enjoyed by all. The club's revitalization has not only breathed new life into the local community but has also become a cultural hub for Pune. It's been a privilege to contribute to the preservation of such a significant landmark and to see it thrive once again. Our vision was to create a space that kept with the club's rich history while also providing a modern and comfortable experience for its members. We wanted to preserve the club's character and charm while updating its facilities to meet contemporary standards. Since the renovation, more youngsters are keen to visit and get memberships. It has also become a popular wedding destination. The renovation has also been instrumental in bolstering the club’s revenue, contributing crores to the growth and sustainability of Indian horse racing and breathing new life into this historic landmark while preserving its timeless charm.  I believe that the Pune Turf Club will continue to play a vital role in Pune's cultural and social life and foster community growth.

Q. Art is a significant part of your life. How has your journey as an artist shaped your personal growth and outlook on social responsibility?

A. Art has always been a powerful tool for expression and social change. Coming from a distinguished lineage inherited from my grandfather, the renowned architect of South Mumbai's most prestigious buildings of the time and remarkable artist Mr. Jehangir Vazifdar,  I grew up between the UK and India. Growing up in a family that valued philanthropy and community service, I was inspired to use my artistic talents to make a difference. My experiences working with children with special needs at the Gateway School in Mumbai in 2016 have taught me the importance of empathy, compassion, and inclusivity. Through my art, I strive to promote positive values and inspire others to take action.

Q. Your grandfather, Jehangir Vazifdar, was an iconic architect. How has your lineage influenced your vision and work in both art and philanthropy?

A. My grandfather, Mr. Jehangir Vazifdar was my biggest influence. He was the renowned architect of South Mumbai's most prestigious buildings of the time and a remarkable artist.  He was also a contemporary of the art legends like Hussein, Raza and Ram Kumar. Living with him, hearing his forward-thinking theories on art, seeing him sketch every day at our office on the way home from school and hearing about his prized ruler technique - a proprietary art form that only he had developed and perfected, deeply influenced me.  His passion for architecture and art deeply influenced my creative pursuits. I've always admired his ability to combine aesthetics with functionality and his commitment to social responsibility. His legacy continues to inspire me to push boundaries and strive for excellence in all that I do, be it art or philanthropy.

Q. What are some of the challenges you have faced in your philanthropic endeavours? What have been your key learnings from these experiences?

A. One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced in my philanthropic work has been ensuring accountability and transparency in the organizations I support. It’s important to be vigilant and to ask tough questions to ensure that funds are being used effectively. Through these experiences, I’ve learned the importance of building strong relationships with the organisations I support. Trust and communication are key. I’ve also learned that it’s important to be patient and persistent. Making a real difference takes time and effort.

Q. You serve as the Managing Director of the Poonawalla Engineering Companies. How do you strike a balance between being a business leader and a passionate artist? Do these roles influence each other in any way?

A. As a leader and an artist, I've learned to find a harmonious balance between the two. While my responsibilities as Managing Director of Poonawalla Engineering Companies demand focus and discipline,I like to keep a hands-on approach on industrial relations and also new project developments. My art serves as a creative outlet and a source of inspiration. My responsibilities towards my companies, my family, my legacy, as well as my art, are all an embodiment of myself. It is also important for me to be around my children who are in their formative years and need both Yohan and me to guide them through the challenges that life is bringing to them. My art is my release – it is a time where all my beliefs, my thoughts, and my gatherings from all my experiences spill onto my canvas. Both roles enrich my life and help me approach challenges with a unique perspective. My artistic pursuits allow me to express myself authentically and connect with people on a deeper level while my business pursuits help me contribute to the world.

Q. What are your future plans for your social impact initiatives? Are there any particular causes or projects you are looking forward to pursuing?

A. My plans for social impact initiatives involve leveraging my business expertise and artistic talents to create positive change. We as a family have held so much goodwill and reputation through generations of hard work and socially responsible industry, that it becomes important for me to keep forging us forward while maintaining the same. On the business front, we find it important to support businesses that focus on sustainability, our environment and social causes. By combining my passion for design and my commitment to corporate social responsibility, I hope to make a meaningful contribution to the communities we serve. Keep an eye on our projects; there's a lot more to come!

Q. India’s philanthropic capital has witnessed a considerable rise in the last few years. What advice would you give to individuals who aspire to make a meaningful impact through philanthropy?

A. The growing philanthropic landscape in India offers individuals a unique opportunity to make a positive difference. To maximize your impact, I encourage you to choose a cause that genuinely excites you, conduct thorough research on organizations in your field, consider long-term commitments, engage personally with the initiatives you support, and measure the outcomes of your efforts. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your philanthropic endeavours are both meaningful and effective.

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