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“Our goal is to create a generation that is not only aware but also proactive in advocating for social justice”: Vanshika Kalsi


In the world of social initiatives, few are as dedicated to creating lasting change as Vanshika Kalsi, the Co-founder of Kalsi Initiatives. With a passion for empowering the next generation, she has been instrumental in launching the Empowering Young Minds Initiative, a program that educates and inspires youth on crucial topics such as gender equality, human rights, and comprehensive sexuality education.Through workshops and tailored educational programs, Vanshika and her team have reached over 1,000 students, sparking a shift in attitudes towards gender norms and fostering greater awareness of rights and responsibilities among young people.

In this interview, Vanshika delves into the challenges and triumphs of leading such a transformative initiative. She shares insights on navigating cultural taboos, the complexities of expanding programs like the POCSO Act sessions beyond Agra, and the importance of creating an engaging, student-centered learning environment. She also discusses the feedback from students, parents, and educators, highlighting how it drives Kalsi Initiatives to continually refine and expand their impact.

Scroll down to read the full interview:

Q. Can you please share the goals and impact of the Empowering Young Minds Initiative?

A. The Empowering Young Minds Initiative aims to educate and inspire young individuals on critical issues such as gender equality, human rights, and comprehensive sexuality education. Our goal is to create a generation that is not only aware but also proactive in advocating for social justice. The impact has been profound, with our workshops reaching over 1,000 students across multiple areas. We've seen tangible changes in attitudes towards gender norms and increased awareness about rights and responsibilities among youth. This initiative is about planting seeds of change that will grow into a more equitable and informed society.

Q. What unique challenges do you face when educating young people about such sensitive topics?

A. Educating young people on sensitive topics like gender and sexual rights comes with its unique set of challenges. Cultural taboos, misconceptions, and resistance can hinder open discussions. Additionally, varying levels of maturity and understanding among students require a tailored approach to ensure that the information is accessible and respectful for all. Overcoming these challenges involves creating a safe and inclusive environment where students feel comfortable engaging in dialogue. We also engage educators early on to build a supportive community around these topics.

Q. What challenges did you face while expanding the POCSO Act sessions beyond Agra?
Expanding the POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) Act sessions beyond Agra involved logistical and cultural challenges. Each new region had different socio-cultural dynamics and varying levels of awareness about the Act. There were also administrative hurdles. To address these, we conducted thorough community assessments and engaged local leaders, lawyers to adapt our sessions to the specific needs and sensitivities of each area. Our persistence paid off, as we successfully extended our reach and impact, raising awareness and understanding of child protection laws in new regions.

Q. How do you design your educational programs to ensure they are both informative and engaging for students?

A. Our educational programs are designed with a student-centred approach, ensuring they are both informative and engaging. We incorporate interactive methods such as workshops,  and group discussions that encourage active participation. Our curriculum is continuously updated based on feedback and emerging issues to stay relevant and impactful. We also use multimedia tools and informed professionals, lawyers, to share real-life case studies to make the sessions relatable and interesting. By fostering an interactive learning environment, we aim to make complex and sensitive topics accessible and engaging for all students.

Q. What kind of feedback have you received from students, parents, and educators regarding your programs?

A. The feedback from students, parents, and educators has been overwhelmingly positive. Students have expressed that the programs have opened their eyes to important issues and empowered them to take action in their communities. Parents have appreciated the open and respectful manner in which sensitive topics are handled, noting positive changes in their children's attitudes and behaviours. Educators have praised the comprehensive and well-structured curriculum, highlighting its effectiveness in promoting critical thinking and awareness. This feedback motivates us to continue refining and expanding our initiatives.

Q. How do you measure the success of your workshops and initiatives?

A. We measure the success of our workshops and initiatives through a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Pre- and post-workshop surveys help us gauge changes in knowledge and attitudes. We also track participation rates and engagement levels during the sessions. Qualitative feedback from students, parents, and educators provides insights into the real-world impact of our programs. Additionally, we monitor long-term outcomes such as increased advocacy and community involvement among participants. This comprehensive approach ensures we can accurately assess and continually improve our impact.

Q. What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced in your journey with Kalsi Initiatives?

A. Navigating the diverse regulatory environments and cultural contexts across different regions has been a significant challenge. Ensuring our programs remain relevant and impactful amidst rapidly changing social dynamics has also been demanding. Despite these hurdles, our passion and unwavering commitment to creating positive change keep us resilient. We've become more adaptable, resourceful, and collaborative, leveraging strategic partnerships and strong community support to overcome obstacles and continue our mission.

Q. What are your future plans for Kalsi Initiatives in terms of geographic expansion and program development? Are there any new projects or expansions in the pipeline?

A. Our future plans for Kalsi Initiatives involve both geographic expansion and the development of new programs. We aim to extend our reach to more regions across India and potentially to other countries in South Asia. We are also developing new projects focused on digital literacy and mental health, recognizing their growing importance. One exciting initiative in the pipeline is a mentorship program connecting young people with leaders in various fields to inspire and guide them. Our vision is to continue evolving and expanding our impact, fostering a more just and equitable society globally.

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